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Vaccination may reduce memory loss caused by COVID-19 infection

Vaccination may reduce memory loss caused by COVID-19 infection


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, 10-30% of the general population have experienced some sort of virus-induced cognitive impairment, including impaired concentration, brain confusion, memory loss, etc. This prompted a team of researchers to investigate the mechanisms behind this phenomenon and identify specific proteins that appear to be driving these cognitive changes.

A new study has been published. Nature ImmunologyThe study, led by researchers at Western Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, also explored how vaccination may help reduce the effects of memory loss after COVID-19 infection.

The research team, including Professor Robin Klein of the Schulich College of Medicine and Dentistry, who moved to Western University from the University of Washington, used rodent models to better understand how COVID-19 affects cognitive impairment.

“We looked closely at the brain during acute infection and after recovery to understand what's unusual about the different immune cells that are coming into the brain and the effect they have on neurons,” said Klein, who is a Canada Distinguished Investigator in Neurovirology and Neuroimmunology.

Klein said he was concerned that reports of cognitive impairment early in the pandemic led researchers to wonder whether the virus was invading the central nervous system.

Klein's previous work had looked at viruses that invade the brain.

“We previously showed that the virus was not detectable in the human or hamster brain, and now our study shows that the virus does not invade the central nervous system,” Klein said. The finding implies that there are other mechanisms by which the virus causes cognitive impairment.

The research team determined that SARS-CoV-2 infection increases brain levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), a cytokine protein that affects the immune system. They observed that models with elevated levels of IL-1β exhibited impaired neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are formed in the brain, as well as memory loss.

Vaccination reduces cognitive symptoms

The research team concluded that IL-1β is one of the possible mechanisms underlying SARS-CoV-2-induced cognitive impairment and wondered whether this could be prevented by vaccination.

The researchers then looked at how the vaccinated models were affected and found a promising correlation between vaccination and reduced memory loss and other cognitive impairments.

The researchers showed that prior vaccination reduced brain inflammation and lowered levels of IL-1β, resulting in less impact on memory and brain function in vaccinated models.

Klein said much more research is needed to fully understand how the vaccination achieves this result and whether it applies to humans.

“We know there's anecdotal evidence that vaccinated humans are at much lower risk of developing long-term brain disruptions from COVID-19,” Klein said.

Klein stressed that because the vaccine used in this study is different from the vaccines available for humans, more research needs to be done to further explore the link between vaccination and reduced long-term COVID effects.

“We know that if you get vaccinated, your inflammation is significantly reduced,” Klein said.

She added that vaccination is not about preventing infection altogether, but about reducing the risk of its effects – for example, the vaccine can prevent the onset of severe pneumonia, but it does not prevent pneumonia entirely.

The same is likely true for cognitive effects.

“People need to understand that about the vaccine,” Klein said, “They need to know what it can and can't do.”




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