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COVID-19 symptoms and testing: What you need to know about LB.1 and other FLiRT variants


As new variants of the coronavirus continue to gain momentum, the number of cases appears to be rising in many parts of the country. Two of these variants, the KP.3 and KP.2, are currently Accounts for more than half of all casesAdditionally, emergency room visits, deaths and hospitalizations related to COVID-19 are on the rise, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Here's what you need to know about symptoms, testing, and treatment if you get the disease.

The newly dominant mutant strains (collectively known as FLiRT variantsAubrey Gordon, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, said the strain of the virus is no different from other recent strains.

Symptoms include sneezing, stuffy nose, headache, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting. fatigue And overall it just feels “boring”.

Generally speaking, the more immunity you have from vaccination or previous infection, the more likely you are to experience milder symptoms the next time you catch the virus (although you may still experience more severe symptoms with a new infection than you did with a previous coronavirus infection).

Symptoms of COVID-19 include: allergy Or some other infection. The best way to tell the difference is to get tested.

Experts say that in an ideal world, people would get tested for coronavirus as soon as they develop symptoms or learn they are infected, and then Test again in a day or two. But with the limited availability of rapid at-home tests, there are ways to maximize their usefulness: “If you have a fever and cough, get tested right away,” said Dr. Davey Smith, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Diego.

If you have other symptoms and there aren't many test kits available, it may be best to wait a few days before testing to reduce the chance of a false negative. People who are immunocompromised, elderly, or have underlying health conditions are best off getting tested as soon as they feel sick or know they may have been exposed, and starting testing sooner rather than later. Taking Paxlobidi Dr. Paul Auwerter, clinical director of infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said the treatment could help reduce the severity of the disease.

If you've had symptoms for more than three days and your test result is negative, a home test is unlikely to give you a positive result, Dr. Gordon said, because either you don't have COVID-19 or you're shedding too little virus for a rapid test to pick up.

Dr. Paul Sachs, clinical director of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women's Hospital, said people who are waiting to be tested should continue to take precautions in the meantime to minimize the potential spread of the virus, such as wearing a mask in public and isolating themselves from others.

Before using a test, check the expiration date. If it has passed the expiration date, you can contact the FDA to see if it is still usable. Database Tests are available in limited numbers. Be mindful of where you store your test kits over the summer. Leaving them in a hot place for several days can make the test results less accurate. Health officials say: Q Health.

In March, the FDA approved a new drug for people with severely weakened immune systems, such as those undergoing stem cell or organ transplants. Penguin, It's an infusion of monoclonal antibodies that can be taken as a preventative measure before contracting the virus.

People aged 12 years or older who tested positive Paxrovid Take it within 5 days of the onset of symptoms. The drug blocks the replication of the virus in the body, lowering the risk of death in people who are prone to severe illness. Experts say there is no evidence that paxlovidone is less effective against the current dominant variant than against previous strains of the virus. Scientists are still debating whether paxlovidone can reduce the risk of developing long-term COVID-19.

There are two other antiviral treatments doctors use less often: remdesivir (also known as Veklury), which is given via infusion to adults and children, and molnupiravir, known as Radibrio, which comes as a pill that can be used to reduce the risk of severe illness in adults.

Doctors recommend getting as much rest as possible when you're sick. If you can, try going for a walk around the block. “Complete inactivity is not good,” says Dr. Sacks, but don't push yourself too hard.

“Some people like to go on long walks,” Dr. Smith says. “I just stay in bed and read a book. I basically just endure.”




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