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Brentwood butt lift company closes after hospitalization


by Louise Parry, BBC News, Essex

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According to the NHS, BBL surgery has the highest mortality rate of all cosmetic surgeries.

A council is investigating incidents where people were hospitalised after undergoing Brazilian butt lift surgery.

Brentwood Borough Council in Essex wants to hear from local people who have had non-surgical treatment.

Also known as BBL or liquid BBL, the procedure uses hyaluronic acid fillers and, although not illegal, is currently unregulated. Potentially deadly If not performed properly.

The council said “individuals and associated companies” in Brentwood had been banned from carrying out BBL procedures until any risks were “controlled”.

“Environmental health officers are investigating a number of cases of hospital admissions in Brentwood involving members of the public who underwent a non-surgical cosmetic procedure commonly known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL or Liquid BBL,” the council said in a statement.

Authorities have not disclosed the names of the companies involved or how many patients have been hospitalized.

The series of cases has raised concerns and they are working with other local authorities and industry experts, including reporting on treatment. It takes place in a hotel room.

A Brentwood Borough Council spokesman said: “Those who have undergone these procedures have experienced excruciating pain, discomfort and infections, some of which have required medical intervention and hospitalisation.”

They urged anyone experiencing symptoms to “seek immediate medical attention.”

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a procedure designed to make the buttocks larger, rounder and lifted.

Those who perform a facelift insert silicone-filled implants or inject fat grafted from another part of the body.

Like many cosmetic procedures, this surgery can be pricey, but liquid or non-surgical BBL is a cheaper option.

In this version, hyaluronic acid, used in dermal fillers, is injected to adjust the size and shape of the area.

But if not done properly, it can lead to serious health problems.

In 2019, A woman from Norfolk has died in a private hospital in Istanbul. While undergoing treatment.

“Proceed with caution”

Brentwood Borough Council is urging people to “conduct thorough research” before choosing the BBL.

“If the cost of a treatment is lower than the market average, be cautious as the practitioner may not be using the products advertised,” the spokesperson said.

“Please note that non-surgical cosmetic procedures still require a sterile clinical environment, so procedures must be carried out in a suitable treatment room.

“If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please contact us.”




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