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Connecticut Experiences Early Start of West Nile Virus Epidemic

Connecticut Experiences Early Start of West Nile Virus Epidemic
Connecticut Experiences Early Start of West Nile Virus Epidemic


The Connecticut Department of Public Health says mosquitoes that have already tested positive for West Nile virus have been found in Darien, Norwalk and Stamford.

Health experts say positive cases occur in the area every summer, but Darien didn't see its first positive case until mid-August of last year.

Some locals were surprised by the news, with Julia Hull of Trumbull saying, “I think it's scary.”

Darien resident Anthony Wiseman thanked News 12 for leading him through what he called a “desperate Google search.”

Officials say the early start of the outbreak is not necessarily surprising or cause for concern, given the warm spring weather and the number of cases in the area.

“This is something we've been prepared for and are ready for,” said Kelly Tomlinson, health educator for the Norwalk Health Department. “It's just a little bit sooner than we're used to.”

As for the West Nile virus itself, state data shows that about 80% of people who are infected don't even show symptoms.

But in rare cases it can lead to hospitalization or death, so Tomlinson warned, “If you're experiencing symptoms like fever, headache, joint pain or body aches, talk to your health care provider and tell them what you're experiencing.”

Because of these risks, experts recommend that young people and the elderly take precautions when going outside between dusk and dawn, or to cooler places like forests or shaded areas, especially when mosquitoes are in abundance.

“These are concerns, but we still want people to enjoy the outdoors,” said John Shepherd, assistant scientist for the state mosquito trapping and surveillance program at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. “We're providing this data so people can make an informed decision about how much protection they want to take.”

Health officials say there are some simple ways to protect yourself when outdoors, such as wearing long sleeves when possible and using bug repellent.

Homeowners should make sure all windows have screens properly installed and if they have containers or trash cans that may collect water, make sure they drain them at least once a week.

Tomlinson said there was no need to go to extremes, saying: “You don't want to miss out on the summer, but just taking the precaution of being a little bit extra vigilant is enough.”

State and local health departments also say they are stepping up their mosquito control and testing programs and taking increased precautions throughout the season.




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