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Survey reveals important factors for dry eye sufferers

Survey reveals important factors for dry eye sufferers
Survey reveals important factors for dry eye sufferers


The first survey of the current state of dry eye conducted by Bausch + Lomb found that1 We identified dry eye and the challenges and experiences of adult patients. Dry eye Patients living with dry eye disease (DED) experience dry eyes, and a major finding from research is that patients are unaware that their symptoms may be related to dry eye.

DED is an eye condition that occurs when the eyes don't produce enough tears or when tears evaporate too quickly. Patients diagnosed with the condition may suffer from dryness, redness, fluctuating vision, and overall eye irritation.2 Several factors can affect DED, including hormonal changes, age, environment, medications, co-morbidities, etc. Because untreated dry eyes can lead to other eye problems, over-the-counter eye drops and prescription medications can be used to treat DED.

New research highlights the challenges of living with dry eye disease | Image credit: dragonstock –

The Current State of Dry Eye Survey was conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Bausch + Lomb. The survey, conducted between April 15 and April 23, 2024, included 2,003 U.S. adults age 18 and older. Of the adults surveyed, 461 had been diagnosed with dry eye or experienced dry eyes often or all the time, while the rest did not experience dry eyes. Data collected included age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, employment, household income, household size, and political party affiliation.

The survey revealed several key findings, highlighting some of the major negative impacts of being diagnosed with dry eye throughout: Patients diagnosed with dry eye claim that the condition impacts their quality of life. This includes 75% of dry eye patients finding the condition very or extremely bothersome, and 31% claiming that their symptoms have gotten worse over time. Additionally, 81% of dry eye patients stated that they are constantly aware of sensations in their eyes, and 46% claim that the severity of their symptoms makes them “hear the sound of their eyes blinking.”

According to survey participants, everyday activities are also difficult for those with dry eye. Giving up or cutting back on things to relieve symptoms was common among 67% of patients and included reducing or eliminating screen time (32%), spending time outdoors (25%), and applying makeup (24%). Reading (45%), using devices (35%), and driving (31%) were the activities most affected by their eye condition.

However, treatment and prevention of dry eye in adult patients is less well known, with 70% of survey respondents not knowing much about prevention or treatment. And because only 15% of respondents reported experiencing dry eyes on a regular basis, respondents may not have realized that symptoms such as tired eyes (38%), light sensitivity (27%), and redness (19%) could be related to DED. A total of 43% of respondents do not regularly visit an eye doctor, and 66% of respondents were unaware that DED is more prevalent among younger people.

“The prevalence of dry eye is increasing, especially among younger people, primarily due to modern lifestyles and the increased use of digital devices,” Yehia Hashad, M.D., executive vice president of research and development and chief medical officer, Bausch + Lomb, said in a statement.1

More than half (52%) of patients diagnosed with dry eye believe that dry eye is difficult to treat, and 44% of respondents did not know that untreated dry eye can lead to other eye problems, including DED.

These results indicate the challenges dry eye patients face on a daily basis and a lack of knowledge about dry eye among both respondents and patients who experience dry eye. Education about dry eye can help patients recognize the symptoms and seek treatment from their ophthalmologist before more serious complications occur. Identifying the biggest challenges and most common symptoms through this survey is a step toward educating dry eye patients on what to look out for.


1. Millions of Americans experience dry eye symptoms, but new national survey finds patients struggle to find relief. News release. Bausch + Lomb, July 8, 2024. Accessed July 8, 2024.

2. Dry eyes. National Eye Institute. Updated November 15, 2023. Accessed July 3, 2024.




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