Report shows significant economic opportunity exists in prioritizing research and education on women's heart health
According to a report published by authors from the American Heart Association (AHA) and the McKinsey Health Institute, eliminating gender disparities in cardiovascular disease (CVD) treatment could add $28 billion annually to the U.S. economy by 2040 and eliminate 1.6 million years of life lost due to barriers to treatment experienced by women. The paper outlines multiple pathways to address underrepresentation and underaccess to treatment for women with CVD and improve health disparities between men and women to lead longer, healthier, and happier lives.1
CVD is the leading cause of death among women in the United States, affecting approximately 60 million people and accounting for more than one-third of health disparities between men and women. One of the main reasons for the widespread health disparities is our inadequate understanding of how biological differences between men and women affect the development of CVD. According to the AHA, more than 184 million people are expected to develop CVD within the next 30 years, highlighting the need for improved screening, diagnosis, and treatment of CVD in high-risk populations.1,2
Although women and men share many traditional risk factors, such as obesity, diabetes, and smoking, women are biologically at higher risk for developing CVD. Not only do women's hearts differ in size and structure, they also experience multiple unique risk factors that men do not. For example, evidence shows that estrogen plays an important role in protecting the heart by regulating metabolic function, helping to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. Thus, fluctuating estrogen levels during different stages of a woman's life, such as pregnancy and menopause, have a significant impact on overall cardiac health and risk. Studies have also identified an association between menstruation and CVD, finding that women who had their first menstruation before the age of 12 are at higher risk for CVD and other chronic diseases. In addition, irregular menstruation may also affect the development of CVD in women.2-4
A key factor affecting access to diagnostic testing and personalized treatment for women with CVD is the low representation of women in clinical trials. This has a significant impact on women's biological knowledge and limits their access to effective treatment. Various studies published since 2020 have shown that disparity in representation in clinical trials continues, despite recognition of this gap in the field. Due to the lack of women in CVD trials, clinicians have limited data on how specific CVD treatments affect women's bodies and health. This often means that women receive CVD care that is not customized to their unique biological characteristics, and therefore may be less effective at treatment.2
Improving outcomes for women with CVD is crucial and requires prioritization of resources, leadership, and dedicated time across multiple health sectors. The report outlines multiple pathways to promote more comprehensive health systems to meet the unmet needs of women with or at high risk of CVD.Four:
- Promoting gender-specific research in clinical trials. Shifting to gender-specific research approaches can improve our understanding of women's biological vulnerability, including through the implementation of dedicated clinical trials, validation of female-centric diagnostic tools, and increased transparency to incorporate gender-based findings into formal guidelines and clinical practice.
- Improving routine health data collection. Establish standardized, easily accessible formats for collecting gender-specific information and enhance routine health data collection and diagnostics, including incorporating menstrual cycle information and utilizing interoperable wearables and smartphone apps to track heart health.
- Equip providers across the continuum of care. Integrating comprehensive cardiovascular assessments into routine care encourages multi-professional collaboration and prioritizes women's heart health. For example, expanding the involvement of health professionals such as midwives can strengthen patient-centered interventions.
- Raise public awareness about heart health. Promote heart health through public education campaigns and the introduction of gender-specific research in educational institutions. Additionally, employers have the opportunity to implement workplace wellness programs that provide employees with the knowledge and tools to prioritize their health.
- Invest in advancing research to treat women's heart health. Allocating resources to businesses and initiatives that improve women's heart health creates opportunities to access large market segments: life sciences investors can leverage the gender gap in CVD, and employers may be able to reduce healthcare costs by investing in heart health through employee wellness programs.
This report offers health care providers and institutions a comprehensive approach to improving access to care for women with CVD. Prioritizing increased education about female biology and the unique characteristics of CVD is not only essential to address a significant societal need, but it will also tap into a large market segment and benefit patients and investors. This economic opportunity could drive innovation and advancements in the treatment of women's cardiovascular disease, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes and healthcare equity.Five
“We know that women's health goes beyond reproductive and maternal health,” report co-author Lucy Perez, senior partner at McKinsey & Company and co-leader of the McKinsey Health Institute, said in a press release. “Given the disproportionate impacts of cardiovascular health on women in ways that differ from men's, and the significant health and economic opportunities that exist to address them, expanding research and investment in women's heart health will help reduce the negative impacts of cardiovascular disease we see in the U.S..”1
- Gender gap in cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment persists, revealing $28 billion business opportunity. American Heart Association. June 25, 2024. Accessed July 12, 2024.
- Bridging the gap: addressing the underrepresentation of women in cardiovascular clinical trials. Pharmacy TimesMay 24, 2024. Accessed July 12, 2024.
- Women and Heart Disease. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. December 20, 2023. Accessed July 12, 2024.
- Gender gap in cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment persists, revealing $28 billion business opportunity. American Heart Association. June 25, 2024. Accessed July 12, 2024.
- Perez L, Greenfield M. Heart Health in U.S. Women: Pathways to Better Health and Economic Status. McKinsey Health Institute. June 2024. Accessed July 12, 2024.
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