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Study reveals role of gut microbiome in autism, opening up new diagnostic insights and treatment possibilities | Health

Study reveals role of gut microbiome in autism, opening up new diagnostic insights and treatment possibilities | Health
Study reveals role of gut microbiome in autism, opening up new diagnostic insights and treatment possibilities | Health


byZarafshan ShirazNew Delhi

July 13, 2024 01:01 PM (IST)

The gut microbiome may have more than a passing effect on ASD: new research shows a link between gut health and autism, raising the possibility of new treatments.

autism It is considered a developmental disorder that inhibits socialization and has several common symptoms: Symptoms Including difficulties eye Difficulties with touch, communication and social interaction, sensory impairments, difficulties with repetitive movements, etc. The kids Children with autism often feel stressed for various reasons, such as everyday chores and activities, which can lead to them having a hard time expressing their distress and inducing anxiety, which can lead to disruptive behavior. A supportive and appropriate environment needs to be built to make an autistic child feel safe and secure so that he or she can grow and reach their full potential, but to date, the exact cause of autism is still unknown. Autism is associated with several factors, one of which, as in the case of most autistic children, is genetics.

Research sheds light on the role the gut microbiome plays in autism, offering new diagnostic insights and potential treatments (Photo by Jesse Grant via Getty Images)
Research sheds light on the role the gut microbiome plays in autism, offering new diagnostic insights and potential treatments (Photo by Jesse Grant via Getty Images)

It has been proven that children with siblings with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are at higher risk of developing the same disorder, but there is still research and diagnosis to be done on the many factors that can cause ASD and how it affects people with this disorder. In a recent study published in Nature Microbiology, researchers found clear differences in the gut microbiome of children with autism compared to neurotypical children, including reduced diversity, changes in the abundance of certain microbes, and disturbances in metabolic pathways related to energy and neurodevelopment.

In the new study, researchers looked at 1,627 children with and without autism between the ages of 1 and 13, and found that 14 archaea, 51 bacteria, 7 fungi, 18 viruses, 27 microbial genes, and 12 metabolic pathways were altered in children with autism. “The findings are broadly consistent with previous studies showing reduced microbial diversity in people with autism, and this study examines one of the largest samples of its kind, further supporting the findings. One limitation of this data is that we cannot assess the causal role of the microbiome in the development of autism,” Bhismadev Chakrabarti, research director at the Autism Centre at the University of Reading in the UK, said in a statement to the Science Media Centre.

The 31-marker panel of microbial signatures demonstrated strong diagnostic value for autism spectrum disorder across different cohorts and age groups, with an accuracy of 82%, suggesting the possibility of developing non-invasive diagnostic tests based on gut microbiome analysis. According to previous studies and experts in the field, chemicals and metabolites produced in the gut can affect behavior and neurological function, highlighting a potential role for the gut in the manifestation of ASD, or that the gut microbiome may have more than a temporary effect on ASD.

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