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The tick-borne virus in China is not new and we already know a lot about it


With COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing The ever-expanding World Health Commission is becoming more wary of new and emerging diseases that could pose a threat to humanity. A recent example of this is the “mite-borne virus” raising an alert.

Chinese tick-borne virusReuters

At least these days 60 people are infected with this tick-borne virus 7 of them succumbed to it in China..

Thirty-seven of the 60 were diagnosed earlier this year in Jiangsu, eastern China, and 23 of Anhui were later found to be infected. The disease is transmitted mainly to people by ticks, but there is also a slight risk of person-to-person transmission.

The disease caused by the tick-borne virus is called severe fever with thrombocytopenia or SFTS. It belongs to the family Bunyaviridae, which mainly propagates in insects and rodents. This is what we already know about viruses.

SFTS virus

Tick-borne virus emerges in China(Typical image: Reuters)

The SFT virus is not a new virus. The case first occurred in 2009 in rural areas of Hubei and Henan in China. The team first identified the virus by examining blood samples from a group of people with similar symptoms.

Ah 2015 Report by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has identified an Asian tick called Haemaphysalis longicornis as a major vector for the Chinese SFTS virus. another Report by Nature Mention of up to 30 percent mortality of human viruses.

Who is vulnerable to SFTS virus?

Since the disease spreads primarily through mites, humans tend to catch it through animals that may carry these mites.

People who often come into contact with animals, especially farmers, are advised to pay particular attention to the virus. Pet owners in the area are recommended as well.

When does the tick-borne virus reach its peak?

Chinese tick-borne virus leads to SFTSAsiatic horse tick (image: CDC)

According to the National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) (Singapore), the peak season for SFTS is “usually between spring and summer.” NCID cites two reasons for this-the seasonal life cycle of the tick vector and increased outdoor activity during the summer.

What are SFTS Symptoms?

of NCID report For the virus, we refer to some symptoms to identify “patients to be investigated”. These symptoms related to “acute illness” include “fever and thrombocytopenia and

Flu-like symptoms (muscle pain) or gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). “

Since the virus is currently restricted to some countries, NCID also says that it is necessary to check if the patient has a medical history. Travel to such a country Within 14 days after onset.. It states that the disease should not be confused with “dengue fever, severe bacterial sepsis, rickettsia, leptospirosis and Zika virus infection”.

SFTS treatment

SFTS vaccine or treatment(Typical image: Reuters)

Every NCBI report As of October last year, “There is no specific cure or vaccine for SFTS.”

However, in this report, a new antiviral drug called favipiravir is a “promising drug for the treatment of SFTS.”

Prevention is always better than cure, and the same applies to SFTS. People in the area with known cases of the disease are advised to avoid getting ticks...

Authorities in some countries are already wary of the spread of the virus in their country. NCID requires a similar memorandum in all healthcare facilities-“All patients under investigation and confirmed cases of SFTS must be notified to MOH [Ministry of Health, Singapore].. “

Greater know-how on disease is expected to help prevent such outbreaks of tick-borne viruses, which are known to be much higher Mortality than COVID-19.. Thankfully, NCID confirms that “adherence to standard precautions in a well-resourced environment is enough to prevent further transmission”.


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