Mediterranean diet improves heart health in children, study finds
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The Mediterranean diet has been touted for many health benefits for adults, and now a new study shows it's Benefits Children's Heart Health In the same way.
Adopting a Mediterranean diet for at least eight weeks was significantly associated with lower blood pressure and total cholesterol, an analysis of nine previous studies involving 577 participants between the ages of 3 and 18 found in a study published Friday. Journal JAMA Network Open.
The study also shows that developing healthy eating habits from a young age can help prevent cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. High blood pressure and Diabetes, These often begin in early childhood, researchers say.
“Eating habits during early childhood have a significant impact on long-term health outcomes,” Dr. José Francisco López Gil, a senior researcher in the One Health Research Group at the University of the Americas in Quito, Ecuador, and lead author of the study, said in an email.
“It's important for parents to promote diets rich in whole foods and healthy fats in order to optimize their children's health and reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.”
The findings are not surprising, as we know that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for cardiometabolic health in adults, but they further highlight the importance of diet. Unprocessed foods Dr Stuart Burger, head of paediatric cardiology, said people should consume nutrients such as fruit, vegetables, lean meat and fish at all stages of life. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. Berger was not involved in the study.
How can parents and caregivers help their children benefit from the Mediterranean eating plan, according to experts?
of Mediterranean diet It's a plant-based diet that emphasizes healthy fats. Fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, whole grains, lean meats, and fish are all part of the diet. Meal Plan.
Not all children need to adopt the Mediterranean diet, but it's important to increase “real foods” and reduce highly processed foods with added sugar and sodium in children's diets, said Dr. Natalie Muth, a spokeswoman for the American Academy of Pediatrics who was not involved in the study.
“The calories in ultra-processed foods Accounting for approximately 70% “That's about one-third of a typical teenager's intake, so any change that can reduce intake of chips, cookies, soda, etc. and increase intake of fruits and vegetables is a big win,” Muth, a pediatrician and registered dietitian at Well Clinic at Children's Primary Care Medical Group in San Diego, said in an email.
But it's always important to keep your child's preferences in mind and incorporate cultural traditions into your guidance on food choices, Muth added.For those considering transitioning to a Mediterranean eating plan, Berger, a professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, said it's also important to follow an age-appropriate eating plan and exercise recommended by your child's pediatrician.
Dr. Tamara Hannon, director of the pediatric diabetes clinical program at Riley Children's Hospital at Indiana University Health in Indianapolis, said family meals together to foster connection also play an important role in the Mediterranean diet.
“Parents need to lead by example by following this feeding pattern, providing scheduled meals and snacks, and exercising daily,” she added in an email. Hannon, who is also a professor of pediatrics at the Indiana University School of Medicine, was not involved in the study.
Hannon also encourages parents and caregivers to limit their children's eating between meals and snacks, as well as limit sugary drinks and juices, to improve blood sugar and weight management.
The authors of the new report found variation in results across the previous studies they analyzed, which could be due to different dietary and physical activity factors addressed in each study. Despite the variation, the Mediterranean diet consistently produced improvements. Blood pressure levels and Lipid profileLopez Gil said this could reduce the risk of cardiometabolic diseases later in life, including heart attack, stroke and diabetes.
Lopez-Gil said the researchers were surprised they didn't find any effects on blood sugar or insulin levels. The Mediterranean diet's impact on those health factors may not be as pronounced, and it may take longer to see results, she added. The study looked at outcomes in children who followed the eating plan for between eight and 40 weeks.
“More studies need to be done, especially in children,” Berger said, “but when you look at these studies, they suggest a beneficial effect of the so-called Mediterranean diet and all that is associated with it.”
Lopez-Gil said further research needs to include larger sample sizes and more diverse populations, as well as longitudinal studies, to assess the long-term effects of the Mediterranean diet on children's cardiometabolic health.
“More and more research is showing that the Mediterranean diet is just as valuable for children and adolescents (as it is for adults),” Muth says. “One of the most effective ways parents can take to improve their children's nutrition is to have regular family meals and prepare meals at home as often as possible. The more exposure children have to fruits, vegetables and fish, the more likely they are to try them and ultimately like them.”
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