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Experts warn Australians may never get the COVID-19 vaccine


Australians may never get the COVID-19 vaccine, and even if they work, they will wait 18 months for jabs, experts warn

  • Experts warned Australia is 18 months away from the COVID-19 vaccine
  • A vaccine that is viable by November is not ready until late for the GP next year.
  • Comes because the World Health Organization warned that there might never be a “silver bullet”
  • Professor Bruce Thompson said there is no guarantee that the vaccine will be effective
  • “If you take this vaccine, there is no real evidence that it protects you,” he said.

Australia is still 18 months away. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Vaccines they have access to at their local GP-may not arrive because an effective jab may be imminent.

of who This week, he warned that a COVID-19 “silver bullet” that could completely neutralize the virus might never spread to the world.

Director of Health Science MelbourneBruce Thompson, a professor at Swinburne University, told Daily Mail Australia that there is no guarantee that even working vaccines will be effective in suppressing the virus.

“We are cautiously optimistic in the right direction, but there is no real evidence that taking this vaccine will protect you and your symptoms will be much less than it is now,” he said.

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A masked pedestrian outside Sydney's Town Hall Station on August 3rd.  Australia's leading scientists have warned that Australia may never have a

A masked pedestrian outside Sydney’s Town Hall Station on August 3rd. Australia’s leading scientists have warned that Australia may never have a “silver bullet” vaccine that immediately neutralizes COVID-19.

Two Australian research teams at the University of Adelaide and the University of Queensland are already in clinical trials in developing the COVID-19 vaccine. That is, they are testing drugs for humans.

As of the end of July, there are 250 vaccine candidates worldwide and 30 are in human trials.

Even if a viable sample was ready for September, Professor Thompson said producing enough for the mass market would be a completely different outlook.

“We’re discussing mid to next year, and the GP is ready with a vaccine to inoculate you,” he said.

“We need to start thinking about other ways to minimize spreads, such as contact tracing.

“Through syndrome analysis, we can see how viruses spread to smaller areas and contain their outbreaks.

“We also have to consider the real chance that we can’t get an effective vaccine-maybe there’s no silver bullet.”

A medical professional in protective clothing opens an inspection kit at a rapid inspection center in Vietnam.  The world awaits mass-produced vaccines, but a quick test allows Australians to find COVID results within 30 seconds at home

A medical professional in protective clothing opens an inspection kit at a rapid inspection center in Vietnam. The world awaits mass-produced vaccines, but a quick test allows Australians to find COVID results within 30 seconds at home

University of Queensland scientists working on vaccine candidates

University of Queensland scientists working on vaccine candidates

The COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing process is already proceeding rapidly, with a typical development timeline of four years.

Thompson says quick test-Australian can look back on COVID-19 test in 30 seconds at home just like a pregnancy test-and better treatment curbs the spread of the virus before the vaccine arrives Said there are other ways you can do it.

“What we have to do is stay ahead of the curve, so we don’t have to continue to lock down like we do today,” Thompson said.

Last month, the wonder drug in the United States, Rendisivir, became the first major treatment approved by the Australian government to treat a novel. Coronavirus..

University of Queensland Pioneering “Molecular Clamp” Fighting Covid-19

The university was asked by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations to use the newly patented DNA-based molecular clamping technology to quickly track the vaccine after the virus hit Australia in January.

A team of 20 researchers has spent the last 15 months preparing for a “quick response”.

This technology uses a coronavirus DNA sequence released from China to produce the same protein found on the surface of the actual virus.

That protein is the essence of a vaccine and can produce the immune system’s response that protects people.

The vaccine was developed using a molecular clamping technique that locks the

The vaccine was developed using a molecular clamping technique that locks the “spike” protein into shape



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