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Glioblastoma Research Funding Key to Expanding Miami Cancer Institute's Brain Tumor Program

Glioblastoma Research Funding Key to Expanding Miami Cancer Institute's Brain Tumor Program


Miami Cancer Institute researchers have received a $3.4 million R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to further their research into glioma. The award recognizes the significant contributions of Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute physician-researchers and comes at an especially important time, as July 17 is Glioblastoma Awareness Day.

Glioblastoma is the most common brain tumor and, due to its location and resistance to treatment, is also the most deadly. Approximately 15,000 Americans are diagnosed with glioblastoma each year. Despite advances in cancer treatment, the prognosis for patients with glioblastoma has not changed significantly, with patients typically surviving only 15-18 months after diagnosis.

Manmeet Ahluwalia, MD, MBA, FASCOChief of Medical Oncology, Chief Scientific Officer, Vice President, and Fernandez Family Foundation Chair in Research at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute

“We are very excited about this NIH/NCI R01 grant because research like this will bring about the revolutionary changes we need to improve quality of life and extend survival for patients,” said Dr. Manmeet Ahluwalia, MD, MBA, FASCOHe is chief of medical oncology, chief scientific officer and deputy director at Miami Cancer Institute and the Fernandez Family Foundation Research Chair.

project, “Quantitative image phenotype classifier for distinguishing radiation effects and tumor recurrence in glioblastoma” The study is led by co-principal investigators Dr. Ahluwalia and Dr. Pallavi Tiwari of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a collaboration between Miami Cancer Institute, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cleveland Clinic and Moffitt Cancer Center.

Imaging studies following radiation and chemotherapy in patients with glioblastoma often cannot distinguish between brain tumor progression and changes caused by inflammatory processes in the brain.“Pseudoprogression occurs in 40 percent of patients and can falsely indicate that their cancer is progressing when in fact it is not, which can lead to patients stopping their medication and halting treatment,” Dr. Ahluwalia said.

The new study builds on the researchers' previous work, which led to the development and validation of a new image-based recurrence risk classifier. Using radiology, i.e. sophisticated imaging and predictive modeling, doctors hope that the new method could replace the more invasive biopsies that typically must be performed to determine glioblastoma recurrence.

NIH R01 grants are the oldest grant system used by the world's largest public funder of biomedical research. Fewer than 10% of R01 applications are awarded, making them highly competitive. This is the most recent R01 grant received by Miami Cancer Institute, This is just one of many brain tumor studies led by the institute.

Dr. Ahluwalia is also leading a multi-center study. “Blood-brain barrier disruption (BBBD) for liquid biopsy in patients with glioblastoma brain tumors” The trial involves using low-intensity focused ultrasound to perform liquid biopsies of brain tumors: during the procedure, the blood-brain barrier is temporarily disrupted, allowing the tumor's DNA to leak into the bloodstream and be detectable by a blood test.

Dr. Rupesh KotekaChief of Radiosurgery and Director of the Central Nervous System Metastases Program. Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute

Dr. Rupesh KotekaThe institute's chief of radiosurgery and director of the central nervous system metastases program, is leading the phase 2 trial.Adding the immunotherapy drugs tocilizumab and atezolizumab to radiation therapy for recurrent glioblastoma.” Doctors hope that combining immunotherapy drugs with radiation therapy will improve the body's ability to harness the immune system to attack cancer cells and help shrink or stabilize the cancer in people with recurrent glioblastoma more than radiation therapy alone.

“Our team works tirelessly, collaborating with many around the world to improve not only cancer prevention and diagnosis, but also how we treat cancer,” said Dr. Ahluwalia. “Miami Cancer Institute is committed to leading research that will ultimately benefit patients and their families.”

Other clinical trials being conducted by Miami Cancer Institute for patients with glioblastoma include the following:

· Evaluation Study of ERAS-901 in Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma (THUNDERBBOLT-1)

· A Phase 1/2 Study of BDTX-1535 in Patients with Glioblastoma or Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with EGFR Mutations

· Azeliragon in newly diagnosed MGMT-unmethylated glioblastoma

· A study of the chemotherapy drug lomustine (Gliostin®) added to standard treatment (temozolomide and radiation) for newly diagnosed MGMT methylated glioblastoma

· SurVaxM Plus Adjuvant Thermozolomide (SURVIVE) for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma




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