Have scientists discovered the cause of lupus? Experts say it's still a bit early
“I think some of the things discussed in this study are a little premature,” she says. “It doesn't actually tell us what causes lupus. We've known for a while that autoimmune diseases, particularly lupus, cause changes in certain white blood cells.
“This paper essentially adds another piece to the puzzle,” Lewis says, “giving us a slightly better understanding of the subset of white blood cells that may be abnormal in lupus patients.”
What is Lupus?
Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body's immune system attacks healthy cells. Lewis said lupus tends to affect multiple organs in the body. “It often affects the skin and kidneys, but it can affect other organs as well.”
The complicated thing about lupus, she added, is that it presents differently for each patient. Not everyone has the same symptoms. “That makes it hard to diagnose,” she said.
Cases are most common among young women of childbearing age, with approximately 5 reported cases per 100,000 people.
“Many people will experience symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss and slight fever, and very often a characteristic rash,” Lewis said. “The classic lupus rash is a facial rash, often described as a 'butterfly rash.'”
In more severe cases, it can cause kidney failure and inflammation around the heart and lungs, leading to fluid buildup. It can also cause joint pain. Lupus patients can also have low blood counts and become anemic. “Some people develop neurological symptoms, so it can affect the brain,” Lewis said. “We're finding that patients can have early symptoms for years before they necessarily develop full-blown lupus.”
Great advances in the treatment of lupus
Blood tests to detect lupus became widely available in 1948. “Before we had a lot of good treatments, people with lupus had a pretty shortened life expectancy,” Lewis says. Doctors couldn't detect the disease until it was severe, and there were no effective treatments.
Lewis says two things have happened in recent years. First, there's a realization that many people have mild lupus that can be medically treated. Second, “there are a lot of treatments that are more effective for patients,” Lewis says. “Many of these treatments work by suppressing the immune system, so they're often very effective at suppressing the inflammation that leads to disease flares.”
March, Newsweek Magazine Names Virginia Health University Medical Center #1 Hospital in Virginia It is ranked among the top 40 hospitals nationwide.
“At UVA, I think we're very good at providing multi-specialty care to our patients, especially with lupus, where a variety of organ systems can be involved,” Lewis says. “The rheumatologist will primarily manage the patient's care, but will often collaborate with other specialists. At UVA, we take a multi-specialty approach to treating our patients.”
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