Electric cooker can be used to disinfect N95 masks, research reveals-Science
According to recent research, in addition to many other benefits, you can also use an electric multi-cooker to disinfect N95 masks.
According to a study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 50 minutes of dry heat in an electric rice cooker such as a rice cooker or instant pot can decontaminate the inside and outside while maintaining the filtration and fit of the N95 mask. It was This allows the wearer to safely reuse a limited supply of ventilators that were originally intended to be disposable items.
Researchers led by professors of civil engineering and environmental engineering Thanh Helen Nguyen and Vishal Verma published their findings in Environmental Science and Technology Letters. As a coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
“While a cloth or surgical mask protects others from splashes that the wearer may release, masks protect the wearer by filtering out small particles that may carry the virus. Nguyen said. It seeks creative approaches to disinfection for health care providers and other essential workers.
“There are many different ways to disinfect something, but most of them destroy the filtration or fit of the N95 ventilator,” Verma said.
“Every hygiene method needs to decontaminate all surfaces of the mask, but equally important is to maintain the filtration effect and fit of the mask to the wearer’s face. It does not provide adequate protection,” the researcher added.
The researchers hypothesized that dry heat could be a way to meet all three criteria: decontamination, filtration, and compliance without leaving special preparations or chemical residues. They also wanted to find a way for people at home to have wide access. They decided to test an electric cooker, a type of device that many people have in their pantry.
They found that one cooking cycle that maintained the contents of the cookware at about 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit for 50 minutes decontaminated the inner and outer masks from four different classes of viruses, including coronaviruses. confirmed. It is more effective than UV light. Next, we tested filtration and compatibility.
“I built a chamber in my aerosol test lab and measured the particles that passed through it, especially to investigate the filtration of the N95 ventilator. The ventilator maintained a filtration capacity of over 95%. Stayed fit and properly worn on the wearer’s face after 20 cycles of decontamination in an electric cooker.
Researchers have created a video explaining how to do that. They note that the heat must be dry heat-do not add water to the cooker, maintain the temperature at 100 degrees Celsius for 50 minutes, a small towel will cover the bottom of the cooker and part of the respirator. Direct contact with the heating element should be prevented. But you can also stack multiple masks at the same time to fit inside the rice cooker, Nguyen said.
Researchers have found that the electric rice cooker method may be useful for health care workers and first responders, especially for small clinics and hospital emergency departments who do not have access to large thermal disinfection facilities. In addition, Nguyen said it might have an N95 mask at home, such as from a pre-pandemic housing improvement project, and may be useful to others who want to reuse it. (Ani)
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