CDC says two people die in multistate outbreak of Listeria infections linked to sliced deli meat
(CNN) — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning Friday about a deadly multi-state listeria outbreak linked to deli meat.
Authorities said two people were killed. Investigation NoticeAt least 28 people have had to be hospitalized since the outbreak, but the CDC says the actual number of cases is higher than reported because some people have mild symptoms and aren't tested for Listeria, and there is a lag time between when an illness occurs and when scientists can link it to ongoing investigations.
Of 18 people interviewed by state and local public health experts, 16 reported eating sliced meat from a deli in the month before they became ill. No one reported getting sick from eating packaged deli meat.
According to the CDC, it is unclear which meat caused the Listeria infections. The CDC and the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service investigatingHowever, no recall has been issued.
Most of the infected people reported eating turkey or liverwurst, and some had eaten ham, purchased from the delis of various grocery stores. DNA fingerprinting revealed that the bacteria in the infected people were genetically similar, suggesting that they likely contracted the bacteria from the same foods.
The timeline of this outbreak spans several months. The CDCThe first case began showing symptoms at the end of May, and the latest case was reported on July 5th.
Listeria monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, Third most common cause Food poisoning has caused over 100 deaths in the United States. Symptoms usually include fever, muscle aches, and fatigue. Infection can also cause headaches, stiff neck, confusion, and seizures. Pregnant women may experience miscarriage or premature birth.
According to the CDC, Listeria spreads easily in delis, passing from equipment to surfaces, hands, and food. Refrigeration does not kill the bacteria, but cooking does.
It's recommended that pregnant people, people over 65, and people with weakened immune systems avoid eating deli meats that have not been cooked until they release steam or reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
If you have eaten sliced deli meat at home, clean your refrigerator and any containers or surfaces that may have come into contact with the deli meat.
Anyone experiencing symptoms of listeriosis should seek medical attention immediately.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) It's also encouraging People who become infected with Listeria are asked to cooperate with local public health officials, who may ask for receipts or leftover food to find out what they have eaten in the past month and pinpoint the source of the outbreak.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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