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Drink on an empty stomach? You may be suffering from “ataxia” and you should doubt your relationship to alcohol. That’s why — RT World News


Along Diana Brook, A Russian-American journalist living in New York, has authored the New York Times, Paris Review, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, and Elle.

Substance abuse specialists and mental health advocates have endeavored to recognize different forms of alcoholism.

Colloquial terms are used to describe the habit of engaging in diet-related behaviors, such as restricted diet, excessive exercise, and rough diet or purging before taking alcohol. Unlike traditional alcoholism, the amount of alcohol is less important because it takes less time to get drunk on an empty stomach. Drunkorexia also seems to overly affect women.

Ah 2016 study An alcoholism study group of 1,184 American college students announced that 80% had been engaged in drinking behavior over the past three months. And May 2020 survey According to the University of South Australia, 479 Australian university students, one in three engaged in drinking behavior in the past three months, more than 28% skipped regularly. This casts a question: If this is such a common practice, why don’t we hear about it?

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One of the problems is that we don’t yet have a formal clinical code.

“Drunkorexia” is not a clinical term. Some have suggested the term “alcoholemia” or “food and alcohol disorders”“” Dr. Aaron WinnerA qualified clinical psychologist and addiction specialist, I told you. “But it’s definitely a pattern that is gaining attention.. ”

Another problem is the combination of eating disorders and alcohol abuse disorders that are very difficult to identify. A friend of mine identified her as currently drinking, but said her drinking was not overly extreme, so she was convinced for years to be manageable.

I drink a few glasses of wine overnight. It’s not healthy, but I don’t think it indicates a serious problem.“She said.”But when I didn’t eat, I often had blackouts, went home with strangers, couldn’t remember what happened the next day, or had a debilitating hangover.

Another reason why it is difficult to identify drunkenness is that there is no clear reason to simply want to get drunk. That is, you may get drunk.

There are several reasons why some people don’t eat while drinking, but many interact with each other.Ned Presnal, an adjunct professor of social work at the University of Washington in St. Louis and owner/director of an outpatient counseling center Plan recovery, Told me.

The most obvious answer is that a person may be drinking with an eating disorder that limits calories significantly,” He said. “Another reason is to get a stronger effect from alcohol. When taken on an empty stomach, alcohol is quickly injected into the bloodstream. However, since blood alcohol levels rise rapidly, people who drink without eating are at high risk of not only behavior such as drunk driving, but also health complications such as alcoholism. People who engage in this behavior may not have a diagnosing eating disorder, but they can certainly have serious consequences.

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According to Presnall, the third consideration isPeople with alcoholism typically have no appetite“A person who drinks a lot may not eat because he feels full,”Even if you are at risk for certain brain disorders, you are very deficient in nutrition.The risk is also increased if you are also using Adderall or vaping (both very popular substances, especially popular among young people). These are also appetite suppressants.

And the last consideration isBoth eating disorders and addiction disorders are ways of controlling emotions and producing a kind of escape.. That is, people with eating disorders may use alcohol as a self-treatment method for the emotional pain of their body image problems, and conversely, people with alcohol abuse disorders may eat calories. Due to the limited amount, you can get drunk without gaining weight. It all depends on the person.

For my friend, she did not consciously try to limit calorie intake, but believes there must have been a subconscious motive.

“Oh, I don’t eat dinner because the bottle of wine is 600 calories. Because this is already a complete meal,“” She said. “However, I was bulimia in high school and had anorexia throughout my 20s. And if you develop an unhealthy relationship with such food, it does not disappear completely.

Granted, it’s one of the most overwhelming of these issues. I think you’ve driven your eating disorders to the curb because you’re no longer enthusiastically counting calories, and you’re not aware that it’s just turning into something else.

Another problem is that, by chance, drunkenness seems to affect people who appear to have no problems at all. My friends are young, beautiful, wealthy and educated white women. She’s as far from the sad old man and the stereotype of beer in a paper bag as far as you can get.

I used to look at Real Housewives in New York City and thought it was funny that these rich white women were slamming open bars while refusing all canapes,“My other friend recently said. “But now I think about it: this is alcoholism.. ”

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Alcoholism is a spectrum. As such, today’s mental health professionals recommend that you ask questions about your relationship with alcohol, not whether you are “alcoholic”.

The problem is not the substance itself,Winner said. “The problem is that you are doing something you know is harmful to your body. It’s a matter of self-esteem.

If you think you have symptoms of drunkenness, first of all, don’t feel bad about it, as it is much more common than you think. Second, don’t be afraid to call for help.

If you have a doctor or therapist, talk to your doctor.“Weiner said. “Whether you have an addiction or an eating disorder, solving it yourself is a very difficult problem.

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