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There's a lot to celebrate, but there's still work to be done

There's a lot to celebrate, but there's still work to be done


Image courtesy of World Health Organization

Awareness days for medical conditions and diseases bring awareness to the public about such health conditions and education, as well as providing an opportunity for patients, clinicians and researchers to come together around a particular disease or condition.

This Sunday marks the annual World Hepatitis Day, a day celebrated worldwide since the adoption of a resolution passed by the World Health Assembly in 2010.1 The main objective of the day is to create national and international awareness. hepatitisAlthough it was originally celebrated on a different day, it was moved to July 28th each year to celebrate and honor the birthday of Baruch Samuel Bloomberg, M.D., Nobel Prize winner and discoverer of the Hepatitis B virus.1

Additionally, since 2001, the United States has observed its first Hepatitis Awareness Month.

Over the years, remarkable progress has been made, including identifying different strains of hepatitis, providing treatments, and developing a vaccine. In terms of education, in 1997, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Hepatitis Foundation International (HFI) jointly organized the first satellite teleconference on hepatitis. CDC distributed 22,000 videos of this teleconference to physicians and health departments across the country. These first steps laid the foundation for much-needed research developments, such as the discovery and long-awaited identification of the hepatitis C virus. Dr. Michael Horton Since then, clinical trials for an HCV vaccine have been developed and are still being studied.

read more: Can Hepatitis C be eradicated?

What you need to know

World Hepatitis Day is celebrated annually on July 28 to raise awareness about hepatitis, educate the public and support research and treatment efforts. The day was established to mark the birthday of Baruch Samuel Bloomberg, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the Hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis Awareness Month has been celebrated in the United States since 2001, and important steps have been taken before then, such as the first satellite teleconference on Hepatitis C in 1997, co-hosted by CDC and the International Hepatitis Foundation. These efforts have led to important research and the development of treatments.

The liver plays a vital role in a variety of bodily functions, from energy production to hormone production. The Hepatitis C virus targets and destroys liver cells, leading to conditions such as cirrhosis. Despite the availability of effective treatments, untreated hepatitis can have serious consequences on liver health and overall health, especially in younger generations, so public awareness and adherence to treatment is important.

The dangerous Hepatitis C virus attacks the tragically neglected liver, the body's incredible chemical refinery that creates and sustains life. This miraculous organ and its hundreds of incredible liver cells work tirelessly to convert the food we eat into hundreds of vital body parts and functions, keeping our bodies functioning 24/7.

Cells create the energy we use to get up, get dressed, and get active every day. Cells make strong muscles and bones, the clotting factors that stop bleeding from small tears, and hundreds of other vital bodily functions, including the sex hormones we take for granted.

Sadly, these liver cells are a favorite prey for Hepatitis C, which destroys the body's ability to keep parts of the body functioning. While there are excellent drugs available to destroy the Hepatitis virus, the liver has no way of letting its owner know that it has a problem. It is our responsibility to communicate this information to everyone, especially those who are already infected, so they can get treatment and prevent the spread of a curable disease.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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