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Early detection of miRNAs in maternal blood may predict preeclampsia, study finds

Early detection of miRNAs in maternal blood may predict preeclampsia, study finds



Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a significant contributor to maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide, with particularly alarming rates in the United States, where it affects approximately 2-8% of pregnancies and leads to preterm birth and associated illnesses in the infant. A new study by UCLA Health researchers has found that early detection of specific microRNAs (miRNAs) packaged in vesicles may be able to predict pre-eclampsia in pregnant women before clinical symptoms appear.

The study, led by Sherin U. Devaskar, MD, PhD, chief of pediatrics and attending physician at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital, identified a specific set of miRNAs inside extracellular vesicles (EVs), small particles that transmit information between cells, as potential noninvasive biomarkers for preeclampsia.

The study comprehensively analyzed 33 participants, including a control group of seven non-pregnant women and a subgroup of 12 women who had experienced healthy pregnancies. The remaining 14 showed clinical symptoms of pre-eclampsia, forming an important part of the focus of this study on early detection and prediction.

miRNAs were found in early pregnancy EVs from women with preeclampsia compared to women with healthy pregnancies. The researchers identified 148 miRNAs that were differentially present in preeclamptic EVs. Twelve were found to be more abundant and 135 were found to be less abundant compared to EVs from healthy pregnancies. There were clear differences in the numbers of specific miRNA groups present in EVs from women with preeclampsia.

EVs from the blood of pregnant women with preeclampsia contained a group of microRNAs as early as early to mid-pregnancy. These miRNAs follow a certain pattern throughout pregnancy, but the pattern changes when preeclampsia develops. Some miRNAs originate from the placenta and act as messengers between the placenta and other organs in the body. The authors say that this miRNA panel may be able to predict the onset of symptoms of preeclampsia, especially late-onset preeclampsia.

“It is important that steps are taken towards early detection and prevention of pre-eclampsia,” said Devaskar, “Pre-eclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide, and our findings highlight the potential to address this persistent public health concern.”

This discovery suggests a future in which miRNAs in EVs could revolutionize the current monitoring and care of mothers worldwide: they could serve as non-invasive biomarkers for the early detection of preeclampsia during pregnancy, significantly enhancing our understanding of the pathophysiology of this disease.

Other authors: Dr Ghosh, Mr Thamotharan and Dr Fong from the Department of Paediatrics, and Dr Janzen and Mr Lei from the Department of Obstetrics.




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