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Today’s coronavirus Ireland case: 68 cases announced, no new deaths


No new deaths have been reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Center today.

There are currently a total of 1,772 COVID-19-related deaths in Ireland.

As of midnight Saturday, August 8, HPSC was notified of 68 confirmed cases of COVID-19. A total of 26,712 confirmed COVID-19 cases are currently confirmed in Ireland.

Of the cases notified today,

  • 37 is male / 31 is female
  • 82% are under 45
  • 41 close contacts in confirmed or confirmed cases related to outbreaks
  • Two cases confirmed as community infection
  • 19 cases are in Kildare, 17 are in Dublin, 15 are in Offali, 12 are in Laos and 5 are in Donegal.

Dr. Ronan Grin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, and Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiology Modeling Advisory Group.
(Image: Colin Keegan, Collins Dublin)

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Dr Ronan Grin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, said. “We continue to see cases associated with outbreaks in counties that have introduced additional public health measures. This is expected and will be carefully monitored in the future.

(Image: POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

“From tomorrow, face coverings will be mandatory in retail stores such as beauty salons, cinemas, museums and other indoors. We know that most people already wear face coverings. We expect it to become even more popular in the coming days.

“People have repeatedly shown their willingness to follow public health guidance to protect each other from this disease. To limit the spread of COVID-19, wearing face covers indicates that people are solidarious with each other. Another way you can do it.”

Stephen Donnelly Health Minister
(Image: Niall Carson / PA wire)

Health ministers said a proposal was being prepared for the Irish government on how to limit non-essential travel from countries other than the UK and the European Union.

Stephen Donnelly said he was concerned about the high prevalence of coronaviruses in several places and said the options would be finalized “as soon as possible.”

The Health Minister added that the number of travel-related cases in Ireland remains small, but the risks are increasing.

Donnelly said on Twitter: “Many people ask about travel/tourists coming to Ireland from countries with high Covid rates.

“My department is preparing a government option on how to limit non-essential travel from third countries (outside the EU/UK) with high rates of Covid. About high rates in some regions I’m concerned

“These options will be finalized as soon as possible. While the cases associated with travel here remain few, the risk is rising due to the rapid growth of cases in some countries.

“Once the proposals are finalized, they are submitted to the government for discussion.”

(Image: Gareth Chaney / Collins)

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The so-called Green List of countries where you can travel without restrictions is already shortened from the previous 15 to 10.

Countries removed from the list were Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Monaco and San Marino.

Meanwhile, on Friday night, Kildare, along with Laowa and Offary counties, was announced to be subject to further blockade restrictions for the next two weeks following a series of incidents.

O’Brien’s Fine Foods, a meat processing plant in Coronavirus’s Timaho, stopped production last week and remained closed for two weeks as dozens of workers tested positive for coronavirus.

In a statement on Sunday morning, O’Briens Fine Foods said in line with public health guidance that it would reaffirm that normal operation of the Timaho plant would not resume the 14-day incubation period.

Production stopped on Wednesday night after many workers tested positive.

The statement states: “In consultation with HSE, the warehouse facility and minimal related operations will operate at significantly reduced capacity levels for managing fresh produce.

“According to public health guidance, an additional program of employee testing will be conducted on days 7 and 14 (as needed) in addition to the tests that have been performed so far. Negative testing and public health guidelines Only employees who are fully compliant with will be returned. All staff will continue to be paid in full.”

(Image: Mark O’Sullivan)

By Friday, about 87 workers were virus positive.

“In all cases, the level of subclinical infectivity seems to be very high.

“People who test positive are advised to be quarantined according to official guidance. A full risk assessment and contract tracking procedure is ongoing. All close contacts of affected individuals are notified and self-reported. You will be advised to quarantine and contact GP.

“Thank you for the support and understanding of our team, the Timahoe community, our customers and our suppliers. This spike is hard for all of us to understand.”

On Saturday, another 1 Covid-19 died in Ireland and 174 new cases were reported by the Department of Health.

In the most recent case, the majority (110) are in Kildare, followed by Dublin (7), Cork (7), Offery (7) and Mies (6).

Dr. Ronan Grin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, and Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiology Modeling Advisory Group.
(Image: Colin Keegan, Collins Dublin)

Dr. Ronan Glynn, chief medical officer, said Saturday’s figures were “high, but not unexpected,” and further trials are underway.

“We expect to see a significant number of cases reported in the next few days,” he added.

Professor Philip Nolan, chairman of the Irish Epidemiology Modeling Advisory Group, explained that the 14-day incidence per 100,000 in Kildare, Lehr, and Offaly was “worriedly high.”

“The national incidence is 16.3 per 100,000, compared to 130.3 in Kildare, 69.7 in Laois, and 89.8 in Offery.”


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