Carpets and flames: design rules for the morphology of ciliated organelles
The history of science is a series of paradigm shifts, when conventional theories are overturned and replaced by new discoveries. The Kanso Bio-Inspired Motion Lab at the University of Southern California's Viterbi School of Engineering is used to such paradigm shifts, and they publish their findings in top academic journals.
The latest paper from the lab is: Nature Physics, The paper, titled “The physics of flow guides the morphology of ciliated organelles,” provides new understanding of the connection between two different mechanisms for pumping fluid in vivo: the “flame” and “carpet” models of the ciliary canal.
In humans, ciliated tissue pumps fluids through the airways, ventricles, spinal canal, and reproductive system. These cilia are characterized by a “carpet”-like design: imagine a dense layer of short fibers perpendicular to the epithelial surface. Many animals also have tubes with a very different ciliary arrangement: the ciliary ulcer design, in which densely packed, relatively long cilia move longitudinally along a narrow lumen.
Ciliitis is not found in large multicellular organisms such as humans, so the two forms – carpet and flame – were thought to have differentiated during evolution. However, Professor Eva Kanso and her research team, particularly co-authors Feng Lin*, a PhD student at the University of Southern California, and Jana Nawros*, a research scientist, discovered that this distinction actually depends on the need for different fluid pumps.
In other words, form follows function. The authors propose that convergence in ciliated organelle design follows mechanistic constraints rather than phylogenetic trajectories (the evolution and development of relationships).
In this paper we present a unified fluid model that proposes a set of universal design rules for ciliary pumps, an unexpected continuum between two typically opposing models: Two structural parameters, lumen diameter and cilia-to-lumen ratio, organize the diversity of ciliary tubes into a continuous spectrum that unites carpets and flames.
At either end of the spectrum, results show that flow rate and pressure generation are maximized (consistent with physiological requirements for bulk transport and filtration), while designs intermediate along the morphological spectrum constitute optimally efficient hybrids.
This new discovery will provide further clarity in the study and management of major pathologies associated with cilia dysfunction and fluid accumulation, such as bronchiectasis, hydrocephalus, and ectopic pregnancy. The discovery will also improve our understanding of the function of certain organs, for example cilia that pump fluid for excretion, providing a model system for studying kidney disease in humans.
Despite the fundamental importance of ciliated organelles in animal physiology, the relationship between ciliary tube morphology and their ability to pump fluid has remained largely unexplored due to the difficulty of measuring ciliary beating and fluid flow in intact internal tubes. By tackling this challenging area of research using both experiments and mathematical modeling, the Kanso lab proposes an innovative and intuitive new approach. The dichotomy has now been reframed as a continuum, making a key challenge in science and engineering one step easier.
*Currently at the Navros Mechanobiology Lab, Helmholtz Pioneer Campus Munich
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