Seasonal influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent avian influenza
Federal officials are stepping up seasonal flu vaccinations as part of an effort to prevent influenza infection among livestock workers. Avian influenza – If you are infected with both, the virus will mutate and Serious and highly contagious.
of Seasonal influenza vaccineThe vaccine, due to be available this fall, won't protect against avian flu, but health officials believe routine flu vaccinations for hundreds of thousands of livestock workers could help prevent rural health-care systems from becoming overwhelmed this winter and help protect workers and their families from serious illness.
is more than 12 peopleSo far this year, 20 people who work on poultry or cattle farms have been infected with bird flu. Symptoms have been relatively mild, including bloodshot eyes and respiratory problems. Federal officials say all have been given antiviral drugs and none have required hospitalization.
Health officials say the risk from the avian flu virus to the general public remains low, but they have begun vaccination efforts to help keep the risk low through the fall and winter cold and flu seasons.
“This is really just the basics of planning and preparation,” Dr. Nirav Shah, principal deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a press conference Tuesday.
About 47% of the US population gets a flu shot each year, Shah said. While the vaccine doesn't prevent all seasonal flu infections, it does reduce the severity of the most severe symptoms. About 45,000 people died last season. It sends hundreds of thousands of people to the hospital every year. Shah said the flu shot prevented 6 million illnesses, 65,000 hospitalizations and 3,700 deaths during the 2022 flu season.
Shah said about 200,000 people in the U.S. work in livestock jobs, including veterinarians, and when they can get vaccinated, they typically choose the seasonal vaccine.
As part of the response, CDC is investing $5 million to ensure livestock workers receive seasonal flu vaccinations, which will be available this fall at the same time millions of other Americans are getting their seasonal flu shots.
Additionally, the agency is allocating $4 million to the nonprofit National Farmworker Health Center to partner with local organizations in states where animals or people have been infected with avian flu, including providing training and information about H5N1, personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of infection, access to testing and treatment, and seasonal flu vaccinations.
“Our approach is focused on supporting local organizations that already know their communities and are trusted by farmworkers,” Bethany Al-Kawter, research and public health program director for the Texas-based national center, told USA Today.
Al-Kawter said the national center is already working on vaccinations for COVID-19, seasonal influenza and vector-borne diseases, and the organization wants to provide access to health care for farmworkers, many of whom are undocumented immigrants in the U.S., in rural areas where health services are scarce.
Access to seasonal vaccines is tied to the larger issue of access to health care for agricultural workers and other migrants, said Dr. Raj Punjabi, a special assistant to the president. Joe Biden Amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said half of migrant farmworkers are here illegally, and half of those illegal immigrants are uninsured and lack basic health care like vaccinations and testing for problems like H5N1 infection.
Offering seasonal flu vaccinations to these workers will not only benefit them in the short term, but also help build trust in the event of a more severe outbreak in the future, he said.
“If we use our seasonal flu muscle today, we'll have it stronger tomorrow when we need it,” said Panjabi, an associate physician at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. “Protecting farmworkers protects us all. By reducing their risk of infection, we reduce the risk that an H5N1 epidemic will become the next pandemic.”
Since the spring, 13 people, all livestock workers, have been infected with avian influenza, also known as H5N1.
On Thursday, authorities Of these, three workers Six workers at a chicken farm in Weld County, Colorado, have fallen ill with the virus. An independent chicken farm that raises 1.8 million chickens In the same county Two Michigan dairy workers fall ill The first confirmed cases this year were in Texas Panhandle Dairy WorkersThe disease was transmitted by cattle that likely contracted the virus from wild birds.
Health officials believe that seasonal flu vaccines are currently better suited to prevent a bird flu pandemic than dedicated H5N1 vaccines, but the first doses of a vaccine specifically for bird flu rolled off the production line in North Carolina last week.
The CDC's Shah said the avian flu virus has not caused severe illness among any of the workers, has not been transmitted asymptomatically and has not developed the ability to spread from person to person.
“At this point, seasonal flu vaccination is the appropriate tool,” he said. “At this point, the H5 vaccine is not as effective as we really need it to be.”
Karen Weintraub USA TODAY contributed to this report.
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