What TikTok gets wrong about inflammation and stress
- ““Cortisol face,” characterized by facial swelling and bloating, is becoming popular on TikTok.
- The platform's creators claim that the “cortisol face” is caused by high levels of stress.
- But experts say stress is unlikely to cause noticeable puffiness or swelling.
- Reducing your salt intake, getting enough sleep, and drinking plenty of water can help reduce facial inflammation.
Does your face look puffy and swollen? If so, Tick ​​tock He thinks it might be because of “cortisol face.”
“Cortisol face” (aka “round face”) is the latest mass diagnosis trend taking social media platforms by storm.
It's characterised by a swollen, puffy face that looks round and plump, and TikTok creators say it's caused by high levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
In fact, the platform has been inundated with creators responding to the trend, discussing the impact stress has on their skin and offering tips to reduce it.
With the “cortisol face” becoming so prevalent, it's easy to assume it's a common condition, but it's not.
In fact, this is not an official diagnosis. Some of the symptoms that people associate with “cortisol face” are: Cushing syndromeIt is a condition caused by excess production of cortisol in the body.
But Cushing's syndrome is very rare, and health experts say that while stress can contribute to inflammation, if your face looks swollen and puffy, it's likely not just stress that's to blame.
Vijay MurthyDr. Murthy, a leading functional medicine expert and co-founder of Murthy Health, says the idea that a “cortisol face” affects everyone who experiences stress is largely a myth.
“Cronically high cortisol levels can lead to facial swelling, but this is typically seen with more severe endocrine disorders, rather than the everyday stress that most people experience,” he explains.
“While chronically high cortisol levels can lead to facial changes, such pronounced effects are not typically seen outside of serious medical conditions. In most cases, everyday stressors do not raise cortisol levels to the levels required to cause such dramatic physical changes,” Murthy points out.
Abbas Kananihead pharmacist at Chemist Click, agrees that “cortisol face” is unlikely to affect most people.
“There are many causes of 'cortisol face', not just stress. It can also be caused by taking steroids or a condition called Cushing's syndrome, where the body produces too much cortisol, but this is usually rare,” he explains.
Yet, when you're stressed, you may notice that your face looks puffier than usual. Why is that?
“Increased cortisol in the body can trigger a process called adipogenesis,” Kanani explains. “This causes fat tissue to form, especially around the face, neck, and stomach.”
Additionally, high cortisol levels can also cause fluid and sodium to accumulate in facial tissues, resulting in facial swelling, says Kannai.
But it's important to note that these changes will likely be subtle: Murthy says such pronounced effects aren't commonly seen outside of serious medical conditions, so occasional stress likely won't have a big impact.
If you are chronically stressed, the swelling and bloating may be even more noticeable.
“In the final stages of chronic stress, the adrenal glands can become exhausted from the constant demands of cortisol production. This can lead to a dysregulated pattern of cortisol release, resulting in spikes and crashes,” Murthy explains.
This can result in prolonged swelling.
“Furthermore, prolonged elevated cortisol levels suppress the immune system, increasing susceptibility to infection and inflammation, which may also contribute to facial swelling,” Murthy adds.
The key word here is “prolonged.” Unless you've been exposed to high levels of stress for an extended period of time, you're unlikely to experience a “cortisol face.”
“Everyday stress, even chronic stress, doesn't usually raise cortisol to the levels needed to cause significant physical changes,” Murthy speculates.
Most people's bodies are able to handle and adapt to everyday stress without causing significant, sustained increases in cortisol levels, he says.
“The body's feedback mechanisms keep cortisol levels within normal ranges even under stress. For cortisol face symptoms to develop, there needs to be a sustained and abnormal overproduction of cortisol, which is not typical in normal stress situations,” he explains.
If you've noticed that your face is puffier than usual, you might be wondering how to fix it.
First of all, it helps to understand the factors that cause facial swelling.
Murthy said this includes:
- Dietary factors: High salt intake can lead to fluid retention and swelling.
- Allergies: An allergic reaction may cause facial swelling.
- Medications: Certain medicines, such as steroids, can cause fluid retention and bloating.
- Medical conditions: Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and kidney disease can also cause facial swelling.
- Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep can lead to fluid retention and swelling.
Tweaking your diet may help reduce facial puffiness.
“Reducing your salt intake will reduce fluid retention, and drinking plenty of water will flush out excess sodium and reduce bloating,” Murthy says.
Prioritizing sleep can also help.
“Getting enough sleep can improve your overall appearance and reduce puffiness,” Murthy explains.
Meanwhile, Kanani recommends using cold compresses to reduce swelling and getting a lymphatic drainage massage to encourage the drainage of fluids.
Both experts agree that if you're concerned about facial swelling, you should consult a medical professional.
“If you experience recurring facial swelling or bloating, it is advisable to see a doctor so that the underlying cause can be identified and a proper diagnosis can be made,” advises Kanani.
“Cortisol face,” also known as “moon face,” is a condition that's gone viral on TikTok and is characterized by facial swelling and puffiness.
The platform's creators claim that “cortisol face” is caused by high levels of stress, but it's not an official diagnosis and experts say stress is unlikely to cause noticeable puffiness and swelling.
Some of the symptoms associated with “cortisol face” are also related to Cushing's syndrome, which is caused by the body producing too much cortisol, although this is very rare.
General stress alone is unlikely to cause noticeable changes in facial appearance.
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