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Dallas teenager undergoes brain surgery after widespread sinus infection

Dallas teenager undergoes brain surgery after widespread sinus infection


“Brain metastasis is fairly rare,” said Dr. Anum Dadhwani of Children's Medical Center Dallas, “and it could be life-threatening.”

DALLAS — A North Texas mother is thankful her son is alive after he was hospitalized for sinusitis and underwent multiple brain surgeries.

Kendra Smith said she took her 13-year-old son, Christopher Bryant, to a local emergency room for what she thought was an ear infection.

“He had terrible migraines,” Smith said, “and they just never got better.”

Three days and two trips to the emergency room later, my son's entire eye was swollen.

“He couldn't even open his eyes,” Smith said. “I don't know where it came from. It happened so quickly. He felt the pain spreading. It was no longer behind his eyes, he felt it spreading deep into his brain.”

Chris was rushed to Children's Medical Center of Dallas, where doctors diagnosed him with sinusitis and an abscess behind his eye — a buildup of pulling forces that can affect any part of the body. Doctors at Children's Medical Center said the sinusitis had spread to Chris' brain.

Dr. Anum Dadhwani, a pediatric hospitalist at University of Texas Southwestern and Children's Medical Center Dallas, said she and her team of doctors stepped up treatment for her son after imaging showed a buildup of pus in his brain.

“Brain infections are very rare,” Dadhwani said, “but they can be life-threatening. Infections that can infect the brain have a very high mortality and morbidity rate. So we're so glad his mom brought him there at that time.

Mr Dadhwani said the abscess had spread to Chris' brain, causing the seizures.

“When I had the attack I asked the doctors if they were OK and they said, 'We hope you're OK, we'll do everything we can,' and that scared me,” Smith said.

Chris, soon to be in eighth grade, had to undergo multiple brain surgeries, including a craniotomy, to drain pus from his brain.

“I was very worried and very scared,” Bryant said.

Dr Dadhwani said parents should look out for symptoms such as high fever, swelling of the eyes or forehead and pain on eye movement.

“These are all signs that something serious is going on,” Dadhwani said.

Chris was released from hospital after seven days, including time in intensive care for observation after surgery. He will be taking antibiotics and has medical appointments scheduled for the next six weeks. Chris' mother believes the infection may have come from spending time at the pool, but Dr Dadhwani said doctors are unable to pinpoint exactly where or how Chris contracted the sinus infection.

“I never dreamed that something like that was going on in his brain when he had a headache,” Smith said. “It's a very serious situation and he's not out of the woods yet, but we're praying and we hope he's healthy and will live a good life.”

Concerned mothers know how quickly life can change.

Smith launched G.Fund Me This is to cover medical and living expenses until Chris is able to return to work.




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