Minnesota COVID-19 cases rise | News, Sports, Jobs
MARSHALL — Minnesota has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases over the past few weeks, according to data from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.
While the data doesn't show a dramatic increase in the Marshall region, Dr. Timothy Mock, chief medical officer for Avera Medical Group Marshall, said it's consistent with what they're seeing locally.
“Recently, we've seen a slight increase in the number of cases, at least in our emergency clinics.” Mok said Friday. “I don't think we're seeing any major trends, but we've definitely seen an increase in cases over the last few weeks.”
Brown County's COVID-19 case numbers have not been tracked since home testing kits were introduced, but Dr. Brianna Andert, medical director at New Ulm Medical Center, also reported an increase in COVID-19 cases over the past two weeks.
“COVID cases are increasing, but most people have mild symptoms and are being treated on an outpatient basis and not hospitalized.” Andart said.
Preliminary data from the Minnesota Department of Health shows rising COVID hospitalization rates in June and early July. Statewide, the seven-day rolling average of COVID hospitalizations increased from about eight on June 8 to 25 on July 13.
According to MDH data, no Lyon County residents were included in last week's COVID hospitalization counts. One Pipestone County resident, one Renville County resident and one Brown County resident were reported hospitalized. One Nobles County resident COVID death was reported last week.
According to data posted on the CDC website on July 29, COVID reports have increased nationwide in recent weeks: COVID deaths are up 10% from the previous week, emergency room visits are up 13.5%, and positive tests are up 1.3% nationwide.
Another way to look at COVID levels comes from CDC wastewater monitoring data, which tracks the levels of COVID virus present in wastewater from treatment plants across the United States.
Nationwide, viral activity in wastewater has been increasing since May, according to CDC data. In Minnesota, data from wastewater treatment plants in Kandiyohi, Lyon, Nobles and Blue Earth counties all show increased COVID concentrations between May 31 and July 29. However, Nobles, Kandiyohi and Blue Earth counties saw sharp increases in COVID concentrations in June and July, while Lyon County's increase was lower and more stable.
“This is actually an inspection of the Marshall wastewater treatment plant, which is just a few miles away.” Mock said of the Lyon County data. “bump” He said the increased concentrations of COVID-19 in wastewater correlates with a slight increase in the number of cases over the past three weeks. “This pretty much mirrors what we're seeing in the clinic.”
“We haven't seen a big increase yet, but that's always something to be concerned about as we head into the fall.” “Fall is when school starts and there's a lot of indoor activity,” Mock said. “The chances of infection spreading will be much higher.”
“We always recommend the CDC guidelines: stay home if you're sick and stay away from others.” He said. “If you have to be around people, wear a mask. Practice general hygiene guidelines, like hand hygiene.”
Mock and Andert encouraged anyone who feels sick to get a COVID test, which Mock said is available both at home and at urgent care clinics.
Andert said COVID-19 symptoms can be difficult to treat.
“Symptoms vary widely. They can manifest as respiratory symptoms such as sinusitis, ear pain, sore throat, conjunctivitis, fever, fatigue, cough and shortness of breath, but are not severe enough to cause breathing difficulties and require a trip to hospital.” Andert added.
Mock said CDC guidelines for when people with COVID-19 can return to normal activities have been updated since March.
“Currently, the recommendation is that if your symptoms improve and your fever goes down without the need for fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol or Advil, you can return to normal activities after 24 hours.” Mok said. “But even if you feel better, people are still encouraged to continue wearing a mask for five days, practicing good hygiene and doing everything they can to prevent the spread of infection.”
Getting vaccinated against respiratory viruses like COVID and the flu is also an important way to prevent severe illness.
“Influenza vaccines and COVID vaccines for the 2024-25 season will be available soon. They are expected to be available in the fall.” Mok said. “When it comes to the COVID vaccine, if you're over 6 months old, there is an age-specific dosing recommendation.”
While there are many ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Mock said there are also treatments available for those who do become infected, including oral medications such as paxlovir and molnupiravir.
If people have questions or concerns about respiratory illness or symptoms, they should inquire, Mock said.
“If you're concerned, see a doctor.” He said.
—Fritz Busch contributed to this story
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