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CDC updates RSV vaccine guidelines amid concerns about side effects

CDC updates RSV vaccine guidelines amid concerns about side effects
CDC updates RSV vaccine guidelines amid concerns about side effects


Aug. 7, 2024 – The CDC issues updated recommendations for older adults, detailing who should get vaccinated. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

The new advice scales back recommendations on who should get the vaccine, saying, “In adults aged 60 to 74 years without risk factors for severe RSV disease, the benefits of RSV vaccination do not clearly outweigh the potential harms.”

This movement Concerns Earlier this year, it was suggested that RSV vaccination may be associated with an increased risk of a rare neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). In its updated recommendations, the CDC advisory committee called for further research on the topic, including a full safety analysis incorporating data from the first RSV season.

RSV vaccination is now recommended for everyone over the age of 75. People aged 60-74 who are at high risk of severe illness from RSV should also be vaccinated.

These standards are a change from last year, when they were for everyone over the age of 60. The revisions, which came as a result of an advisory committee's conclusions earlier this year, Officially announced Wednesday in a widely read weekly CDC report.

For most people, especially younger people, RSV infections tend to cause mild symptoms such as a runny nose, cold, cough, and headache. However, RSV infections result in the hospitalization of up to 160,000 older people each year, and as many as 10,000 die from complications. The likelihood of needing treatment for RSV infection increases with age, and a recent study found it is highest in people aged 70 years or older. summary Published in the journal Drugs and aging.

“These updated recommendations aim to maximize RSV vaccination coverage among those most likely to benefit by clarifying who is most at risk and reducing barriers to implementation,” the CDC report said, noting in particular that one challenge was advice last year that the RSV vaccine should be given only after people have had a shared-decision-making discussion with their health care provider. “Shared clinical decision-making has shortcomings: health care providers find it confusing and time-consuming to implement,” the report said.

Last season, vaccination rates were only slightly higher among people with chronic illnesses than among adults without those conditions.

People aged 60 to 74 years are considered at risk for severe RSV infection if they meet one of the following criteria: 11 Risk FactorsThese include heart disease, living in a nursing home, frailty, and severe obesity. People between the ages of 60 and 74 who want to get the RSV vaccine simply need to attest to the fact that they have one of these risk factors and do not need to provide documentation, the new guidelines say. Providers may determine that a person is at high risk even if they do not specifically meet one of the 11 risk factors.

The report also instructed people to be informed that while it is possible to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome after receiving the vaccine, the risk is small.

Clinical trial results suggest that vaccination can reduce the risk of severe RSV complications by up to 94%, and the effectiveness of vaccination in preventing hospitalization during the first season is estimated to be 75% to 82% in people aged 60 years or older, according to a recent CDC report.

As of early May, an estimated 24% of adults aged 60 and older had report Eleven percent of people said they would like to get vaccinated against RSV, and another 11% said they definitely plan to get vaccinated. These vaccination rates are widely considered low by public health officials. Currently, RSV vaccines are made by three companies: GSK's Arexvy, Pfizer's Abrysvo, and Moderna's mResvia.

The guidelines say adults who have been vaccinated against RSV do not need a second dose this season, with one dose providing protection for two seasons, the report advised. Future advisory committee meetings will consider whether a booster shot will be needed in the future.

“Eligible adults who have not previously received the RSV vaccine can receive it at any time of the year, but it is most effective when given in late summer or early fall, just before the RSV season,” the report advises. “In most parts of the continental United States, this corresponds to the August through October vaccination period.”




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