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Rhode Islander dies from bacteria in seawater

Rhode Islander dies from bacteria in seawater



Health officials have urged people to exercise caution in coastal waters after a person died from a rare vibriosis infection this month.

Rhode Island health officials are warning beachgoers about the dangers of entering coastal waters with open wounds after a resident died from a rare bacterial infection.

The Rhode Island Department of Health said the unidentified person died earlier this month after contracting vibriosis, the state's first reported case since 2017.

The infection is caused by the bacterium Vibrio vulnificus, which lives in warm marine or brackish water, and can also be contracted by eating raw or undercooked seafood.

Rhode Island health officials said the infection is “very rare” but dangerous for people with underlying medical conditions. In severe cases, the infection can lead to life-threatening sepsis. Officials urged people with cuts or scrapes, recent surgery, recent piercings or new tattoos to avoid going into the ocean or brackish waters.

“While Vibrio bacteria is rare, it's important that those at risk take precautions when spending time in or near brackish or saltwater during warmer months,” said Director of Health Dr. Jerry Larkin. “Those at higher risk for severe illness should continue to take precautions, such as staying out of the water if they have any breaks or open wounds on their skin.”

Rhode Island officials have not said which beaches residents visited or whether they were conducting bacteria testing in specific coastal areas.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 150 to 200 cases of Vibrio vulnificus infection are reported each year. Approximately one in five of these cases is fatal, some occurring within one or two days of onset of symptoms.

The Vibrio vulnificus bacteria is found in high concentrations during the warmer months of the year, from May to October, and experts predict that we'll see more cases of vibriosis as ocean temperatures rise.

Last summer, the CDC reported an increase in cases of severe and fatal Vibrio vulnificus infections in North Carolina, New York, and Connecticut.

Symptoms of vibriosis include vomiting, watery diarrhea, bloody stools, fever, and headache. People with diseases such as liver disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, and thalassemia are at higher risk of developing complications. People on immunosuppressive therapy, taking medications to reduce stomach acid, and those recovering from stomach surgery are also more susceptible to severe illness.

Public health officials said any wounds that have come into contact with seawater, brackish water or drippings from raw or undercooked seafood should be washed with soap and clean running water, and that if the wound shows signs of infection, people should seek immediate medical attention.




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