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Keto diet may increase 'bad' cholesterol and harm gut health

Keto diet may increase 'bad' cholesterol and harm gut health


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A new study finds that the keto diet increases “bad” cholesterol and causes changes in the microbiome that are detrimental to gut health. Johner Images/Getty Images
  • A new study compared the keto diet to a diet low in added sugars. Both diets were found to reduce fat mass compared to the control diet.
  • However, the keto diet has been associated with adverse metabolic effects, including increased “bad” cholesterol and changes to the gut microbiome.
  • Diets low in added sugars were not associated with any adverse health effects.

A diet low in added sugars is recommended for overall health. World Health Organization (WHO) It is recommended that free sugars be kept to less than 10% of total energy intake. link For chronic illnesses.

In the study display Reducing free sugar intake has been shown to help reduce fat mass. Similarly, restricting carbohydrates can help: Ketogenic Dietteeth, Proven Weight Loss Methods Recently there has been an explosive increase Popularity.

A new study published in the journal Cell Report Medicine The study compared a low-carb, high-fat keto diet to a diet low in free sugars (sugars added to foods and drinks) and a control diet. Researchers wanted to see how these eating patterns affected weight loss and metabolism. The study involved 53 participants and was conducted over a 12-week period.

be News ReleaseThe scientists also found that compared with the control diet, the low-free-sugar and ketogenic diets reduced fat mass by 2.1 and 2.9 kilograms, respectively. They concluded that this weight loss was independent of changes in physical activity; all groups maintained similar activity levels.

However, scientists found that the keto diet increased levels of “bad” cholesterol and other markers associated with cardiovascular disease risk compared with low-free-sugar diets and control diets. The keto diet was also associated with a decrease in “good” bacteria in the gut.

On the other hand, a diet low in free sugars showed no such adverse effects.

Participants on the keto diet had higher levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as “bad” cholesterol.

In particular, levels of small and medium-sized LDL particles were high. particleIt has a negative impact on health.

In contrast, the low-carbohydrate diet significantly reduced LDL cholesterol.

Participants on the keto diet also had increased levels of a molecule called apolipoprotein B (apo B), a compound found in LDL cholesterol. This protein: ArteriosclerosisPlaque forms on the inner walls of blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“This is a meaningful reduction,” the study authors say. Dr. Javier Gonzaleza professor at the University of Bath in the UK told Healthline.

“We saw a reduction of 0.5 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Genetic studies have shown that a reduction in LDL cholesterol of just 0.35 mmol/L translates to a 21% relative risk reduction over a lifetime. atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseinclude Heart disease And Stokes,” Gonzalez said.

Unlike carbohydrate-restricted diets and control diets, the ketogenic diet: Intestinal flora — Trillions of bacteria that live in the lower intestine.

especially, BifidobacteriaThese are the “good” intestinal bacteria. When the number of these bacteria decreases, Linked This increases your risk of metabolic, immune and intestinal problems.

Bifidobacteria They also produce important B vitamins and other compounds that support overall health.

Fiber is a carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by the digestive system and serves as a food source for gut bacteria. Because fiber intake is significantly reduced on a ketogenic diet, this dietary pattern is thought to affect gut microbiota.

carbohydrates In the intestines, glucose is broken down into glucose, which then enters the bloodstream and circulates throughout the body. This is good for your health, but if your glucose levels are too high for a long period of time, it can damage your blood vessels.

In response to the rising trend Blood glucose levelsThe body then releases insulin to help the liver and muscles absorb the glucose and lower the glucose levels in the blood.

In this study, people on the keto diet had lower pre-meal blood sugar levels.

However, the participants Glucose toleranceIn other words, glucose is not removed from the blood as efficiently after a meal, and blood sugar levels take longer to rise.

When asked what keto-related metabolic changes mean in the long term, Gonzalez explained that this is a “difficult question to answer.”

Some of the metabolic changes identified in this study were beneficial (i.e. Fasting blood glucose level), and some were negative (i.e., increased apo B).

“This could mean that the long-term health effects will vary depending on the individual's condition,” Gonzalez said. “For example, do some people have particular problems controlling their fasting glucose levels or blood lipids?”

Gonzalez said the research will continue: “We are keen to explore whether there are individual responses to the ketogenic diet that justify individualized use and whether targeted supplementation strategies can mitigate some of the undesirable effects,” he said.

“We have just received a significant grant from the Medical Research Council for part of this research and are actively seeking further funding for the rest of the study.”

Sarah HerringtonBrio Medical nutritionist explains the possible long-term effects of following a ketogenic diet: “The long-term effects of a ketogenic diet may include more significant changes to the gut microbiome, leading to an overall decrease in diversity.”

“It may also worsen your glucose tolerance, making your body more sensitive to sugars and carbohydrates when they are reintroduced into your diet,” Herrington continued.

“The ketogenic diet changes how the body uses energy and increases fat metabolism, likely resulting in positive short-term improvements. Blood sugar regulationBut it could have long-term effects on the health of your microbiome.”

Restricting free sugar or following a keto diet may help you lose weight, but new research suggests the keto diet may have negative health effects, including increased levels of bad cholesterol and negative effects on gut health.

However, a diet low in added sugars does not appear to be harmful to health.

“Ad libitum carbohydrate restriction achieves this with almost entirely positive health benefits, whereas ketogenic diets achieve weight loss with some trade-offs that may need to be noted,” Gonzalez said.




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