CDC's pandemic review of U.S. H5N1 viruses parallels previous assessment of same lineage

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last weekend that Evaluation The H5N1 avian influenza virus that infected dairy workers in Texas poses a low risk to the general population and a moderate pandemic risk, similar to the risk posed by two other recent lineage viruses.
Health officials announced in May that CDC had begun a detailed process to conduct a pandemic risk assessment using the Influenza Risk Assessment Tool (IRAT). Using the IRAT, CDC scientists aim to answer two risk assessment questions: questions about emergence and questions about public health impact. Health officials will use the IRAT to assess the pandemic potential of influenza viruses to guide preparedness measures.
The CDC has previously published two assessments of viruses in the lineage: one in July 2023 for the H5N1 virus that caused an outbreak on a mink farm in Spain, and another in March 2022 for a wigeon sample taken in South Carolina when the virus first began circulating in wild birds in the United States in 2021.
Moderate risk of outbreak, public health impact
Like other recent viruses, the subtype that infected the Texas patient poses a moderate risk for both future emergence and public health impact.
CDC experts provided a score for the virus in the Texas patient on June 26, which also included information on other cases in the United States but did not include the latest case reported in a poultry worker in Colorado.
The CDC said the Texas virus scored slightly higher on some risk factors but lower on others compared to the recent strain. The new virus had a public health impact score similar to the Spanish mink farm virus, but a higher emergence score than the other two viruses.
“However, the average high tolerance score ranges and average low tolerance score ranges for these viruses overlap, indicating that these viruses are similar and their overall risk score remains 'moderate',” the group said.
Compared to the other 15 viruses on the CDC's IRAT list, the Texas virus has the sixth-highest emergence score and the seventh-highest societal impact score.
Colorado veterinarians warn about H5N1 in cats
In other developments involving H5N1, the Colorado Veterinary Medical Association Recently warned Even if you don't see all the risk factors or clinical signs, you should still talk to your animal health provider about potential infections in your cat.
Of six confirmed cases of H5N1 in Colorado cats to date, only one has been directly linked to a dairy farm: three were indoor cats with access to the outdoors where they may have hunted mice and birds, and two were strictly indoor cats.
All five dogs showed similar symptoms, beginning with lethargy and anorexia, progressing to respiratory and neurological signs. Due to the similar clinical findings, several were tested for rabies.
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