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If you think you are infected with Mpox, here's what you should do:

If you think you are infected with Mpox, here's what you should do:
If you think you are infected with Mpox, here's what you should do:


The World Health Organization has announced that MPOX (Formerly known as monkeypoxThe MPOX outbreak continues in African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is at its epicenter. This is the second time in the past three years that the WHO has declared an MPOX outbreak a global emergency.

“The current surge in monkeypox in parts of Africa and the spread of a new sexually transmitted strain of the monkeypox virus is an emergency not only for Africa but for the whole planet,” said Dimier Ogoyena, chair of the WHO committee. press release“Mpox originated in Africa, was ignored there and then led to a global pandemic in 2022. It is time to take decisive action to ensure history does not repeat itself.”

Below is guidance on what to do if you have MPOX or have been exposed to it.

What to do if exposed to mpox

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if you've had contact with people (or, less likely in this outbreak, with animals), you should self-monitor for symptoms for 21 days. You don't need to quarantine (stay away from others) unless you develop symptoms.

Being infected probably means having direct skin-to-skin contact with someone who has MPOX, because that's the main route of infection. However, You can also get mpox It is transmitted by touching clothing or other objects that the rash may have come into contact with, or through respiratory secretions. Scenarios in which MPOX may be transmitted include contact with the rash or sores through sex, kissing, hugging, or sharing towels, bedding, or clothing. MPOX may also be spread through prolonged face-to-face contact. Researchers are studying whether it spreads through bodily fluids such as semen or vaginal fluids.

Get vaccinated if possible

If you have had mpox within the past two weeks and have no symptoms, contact your local health department. Gineos VaccineThe vaccine is most effective if given within four days of exposure, Between 4 days and 2 weeks after initial exposure.

The criteria for who can get vaccinated varies from city to city depending on how widespread the infection is in a particular area, but if you may have been infected, there's a good chance you live in an area that's offering the vaccine.

If you are at higher risk for serious illness from mpox (i.e., you are immunocompromised), ask your doctor if there are any additional treatments or different steps you should take after exposure.

Monitor symptoms

Currently, the CDC says that people who have been exposed to MPOX can continue with their daily lives, but AsymptomaticContinue to monitor and observe. The monitoring period can be for 21 days or 3 weeks. You do not need to isolate yourself as you are not contagious until you develop symptoms (if you do). Common symptoms of MPOX Fever, swollen lymph nodes, new rash, etc.If the rash spreads to the anus or mouth, you may also feel pain there.

The CDC also recommends taking your temperature twice a day to monitor for fever.

But if you do have symptoms, what to do next depends on the type of symptom you have.

Monitor your symptoms and if you start to feel unwell (but don't develop a rash or new skin problems) Lesions): Let's say you have symptoms like fever and swollen lymph nodes, but no rash. According to the CDC, you should still quarantine (stay at home and avoid contact with others) for five days after the 21-day monitoring period. If you don't have any other symptoms or a rash after five days, the CDC says you can end your quarantine.

If you are monitoring for symptoms and develop a rash: Avoid close contact with others, isolate at home if possible, and follow the guidelines in the next section.

Man shaving his face with shaving cream Man shaving his face with shaving cream

Avoid shaving near the rash while recovering from MPOX to avoid spreading the virus to new parts of your body.

Luana Schiavatterra/Getty Images

What to do if you are infected with mpox

If you go to the doctor and a test confirms that you have MPOX, or if you have been directly infected and are experiencing all the symptoms of MPOX, Isolation from others According to the CDC, people are encouraged to stay home (if possible) until symptoms subside, which also includes avoiding public transportation where you may come into close contact with other people's bodies.

However, MPOX can be a prolonged illness (approximately 2-4 weeks), and if complete isolation is not possible for that period, The most important thing you should do According to the CDC, preventive measures include completely covering any rash or lesions with a bandage or clothing, wearing a tight-fitting mask if you must be around others, avoiding close contact with others, avoiding crowded places, washing your hands frequently, and isolating yourself while you have other symptoms such as fever or respiratory symptoms.

you Believed to be infectious Leave the sores or rash alone until they scab over and a new layer of skin forms, and contact your healthcare provider right away to find out next steps, including whether you need to receive additional treatment.

How do I know if I have MPOX?

Symptoms usually appear within three weeks of close contact with someone infected with MPOX. Common symptoms mpox includes:

  • Rashes and sores may appear anywhere on the body, including the genitals, anus, hands, face, chest, and mouth. For some people, the sores can be very painful.
  • heat
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • cold
  • fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Respiratory symptoms such as coughing or stuffy nose

You may experience all or just some of these symptoms: For people who experience flu-like symptoms, the rash usually appears 1-4 days after they start feeling unwell.

The only way to confirm a case of mpox is to have a swab of the lesions at a medical facility, and while testing capacity is increasing in the US, results can still take a while to come back. While you waitAccording to the CDC, people should continue to isolate as long as they have symptoms.

Four Examples of Monkeypox Lesions Four Examples of Monkeypox Lesions

Some examples of monkeypox lesions.

NHS England Serious Infectious Diseases Network

Isolate at home

CDC Home isolation guidance Measures for people with MPOX include avoiding close contact and intimate acts with others (such as hugging, kissing, and sex), and sharing linens and towels (such as bathroom towels for drying hands), the agency said.

If you live with other people and are in close proximity in your home, you should wear a mask for added protection (to contain respiratory droplets).

If you cannot avoid going outside or if you live with others, cover the rash or sores with tight-fitting clothing such as pants and a long-sleeved shirt, and wear gloves if the rash spreads to your hands.

If possible, use a separate bathroom from other household members and avoid sharing food, dishes, or used utensils.

If using the same restroom is an option, people with MPOX should disinfect shared surfaces (such as toilet seats, showers, and bathroom counters) with a disinfectant after use and wear gloves as needed, the CDC says.

Personal Care Tips

According to the CDC, if you wear contact lenses, you should not wear them while you are sick to avoid accidentally infecting your eyes with MPOX, and if you shave, you should stop shaving the parts of your body that have the rash for the time being.

Poxvirus-like Mpox can survive on clothing and surfacesAccording to the CDC, it's important to disinfect anything you touch while you're infected. It's not entirely clear how much risk there is of spreading the virus in public places, but there are some precautions you can take if you do your laundry at a public laundromat. New York City has its own A guide to doing your own laundry The CDC recommends consulting your local health department to find the best “cleaning options” for MPOX.

Avoid contact with animals

Unfortunately, mpox is a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. Can infect dogs, cats and other pet mammals(Non-mammalian animals, such as reptiles, birds, and fish, are unlikely to be infected with MPOX, according to the CDC.)

CDC recommends that, if possible, have someone else care for your pet while you are sick or recovering from MPOX. If that's not possible, keep your pet away from bandages, bedding, towels, and other potentially contaminated items.

If you notice your pet behaving differently than usual or think they may have become ill after coming into contact with someone infected with MPOX, contact your veterinarian or state animal health authorities.

Dog lying on sofa Dog lying on sofa

According to the CDC, if possible, you should have another person care for your pet until you recover from monkeypox. If that's not possible, avoid touching your pet, cover any rashes, wear a mask, and keep your pet away from clothing or linens that may have come into contact with the rash.

Katerina Sergeevna/Getty Images

Is MPOX treatment necessary?

Most people infected with mpox don't need additional treatment and are instructed to stay at home and manage their symptoms. But some people develop lesions that can be very painful, and should talk to their doctor about pain management. “It's important to be aware of the symptoms and how they can be managed,” said Dr. Bernard Cummins, medical director of infection prevention at the Mount Sinai Health System. The New York Times Your doctor may recommend sitz baths and stool softeners, if appropriate.

Most people recover at home, but Increased risk of serious illness and possible need for additional treatmentAccording to the CDC, those at increased risk include those who are immunocompromised, children under 8, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.

There Few medicines or antivirals available The CDC lists these as treatments for mpox in some patients: tecovirimat (TPOXX) and brincidofovir, for example, are both approved to treat smallpox and are thought to be effective for mpox as well.

If you think you may be at high risk for developing a serious illness, ask what treatment options are available to you if your doctor hasn't already given you one.




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