European officials say more imported lineage 1 MPOX cases likely

After Sweden announced the first case of novel lineage 1 MPOX outside Africa yesterday, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) today warned that further imported lineage 1 infections are likely and urged countries to take preparatory measures.
The identification of the case in Sweden is part of a rapid evolution around the virus, which has seen the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) issue a public health declaration this week, followed by a similar one by the World Health Organization (WHO) the following day.
the statement ECDC today published its COVID-19 prevention and risk assessment, recommending countries with close travel links to Africa to issue travel advice for people visiting or returning from affected countries. The risk to people in close contact with affected areas is high, and the risk to people in close contact with Europeans with suspected or confirmed lineage 1 MPOX infection is moderate, ECDC said.
The overall risk of lineage 1 viruses to the general public was assessed as low. The MPOX situation in Africa is complex, with different countries battling different versions of the virus. The main hotspot is the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where a new lineage 1 virus emerged in 2023 and is spreading through social networks. Meanwhile, other African countries, such as South Africa, are experiencing a global lineage 2 virus outbreak.
Previous infections with lineage 1 viruses in endemic areas of Africa have been primarily zoonotic with limited human transmission. However, the outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo marks the first reported sexual transmission of MPOX lineage 1, with health authorities reporting transmission through social networks such as sex workers and household contacts. Transmission is also thought to occur in part through respiratory droplets.
Another worrying aspect of the African outbreak is its spread to countries where the disease has never been reported before, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo's neighbour.
Britain urges caution
Meanwhile, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said yesterday: guidance As for lineage 1 MPOX, he noted that because it is more severe, authorities have classified it as a significant infection.
The ministry urged health workers to be vigilant in cases of sexual transmission, especially if the lineage is unknown and the patient has travelled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo or other affected countries, or has been in contact with a patient with confirmed lineage 1 infection within 21 days of the onset of symptoms.
The UKHSA said all MPOX samples should be sent to the agency for lineage typing testing, regardless of whether they are potential lineage 1 cases.
MSF appeals for vaccine donations and access
In vaccine development, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) The Minister said today that he strongly supports the WHO's call this week for donors to support a coordinated response to the MPOX outbreak in Africa, stressing that the use of existing vaccines is key to containing future outbreaks.
The Africa CDC estimates that at least 10 million doses of vaccine are needed to slow the spread of the virus, but only a small number are available in the region.
MSF has already supplied the Bayer Nordic MVA-BN vaccine (Jynneos), but has called on the company to donate as much of it as possible to countries with less active disease, and has pressured the company to reassess its pricing policy and urgently seek partnerships with African vaccine manufacturers.
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