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Healthy aging is almost entirely a matter of mindset, and I try to keep a positive mindset.

Healthy aging is almost entirely a matter of mindset, and I try to keep a positive mindset.


My editor has a particularly sly sense of humor, and when she suggested that I look at new research that suggests we age dramatically during two key stages in our lives, I reminded her that the day I’m writing this is my birthday, which falls inconveniently close to one of those two turning points.

She seemed unfazed. “The good news is that aging is over,” my millennial editor replied brightly.

happy birthday.

These years are irresistible. This incredible phenomenon of getting older and older just continues! Can anyone stop this?

Yes, I can, and it is entirely in my power to stop it, but more on that later.

The evidence before us today is that, like traffic lights, human molecules appear to have two distinct go/stop moments. Stanford University collected a variety of genetic samples. Studied over seven years and with more than 100 volunteers, the data suggests that rather than most molecules in the human body undergoing gradual chronological changes over time, our molecules and microbes seem to have two big bursts on our birthdays, and then we crawl out of bed the next day not much older and wiser.

These two mitochondrial milestones occur around age 44 and age 60, which may explain why around our birthdays we say solemnly that life begins, or begins again.

None of these apply to me

I don't mean to argue with the science, but I will point out that the researchers missed some key moments in aging, including but not limited to surviving your first off-site work team, passing through Los Angeles International Airport for the first time, your child starting 7th grade, etc. Few experiences in life are as conducive to aging as these.

But scientists argue that these ageing spikes – sudden, major changes to our molecules – may explain why we see spikes in certain health problems at certain times, and whether the life choices we make at these ages also affect our health and longevity.

(This is a fancy way of suggesting that researchers drink too much in their 40s, but it's true.)

Apparently, some of this aging may be avoidable, but some may not be.

But none of this applies to me.

Why not? The most controversial thing I can offer about aging is that it has very little to do with physiological aging and entirely to do with attitude.

I believe healthy aging is almost entirely a matter of attitude, given the indisputable physical realities, and by maintaining a non-complaining, stay-connected attitude, I hope to keep me from slipping into dreary thoughts of old age.

I'm sure you've seen this before – older people you know who, regardless of physical ability or disability, seem to outlook, feel and behave younger than their age, and those who don't.

Of course, an active lifestyle is an important component of health, but it doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with attitude. I've never seen a more powerful force in aging than negative thinking, dissatisfaction, and defeatism. People who have that kind of mindset seem to age before our eyes. And they're never happy with themselves.

The power of attitude

I have a lot of evidence on my side. Whatever my molecules decided to do while sipping my birthday martini, Harvard To National Institutes of Health And once again, I found that a positive mindset made a huge difference in my results.

And before you get all indignant about this being a frivolous idea in the face of the real pain and discomfort of old age, substantial research has answered that as well: Pain is not improved by a dire outlook, but rather Undermined by positive thinking.

I’m not trying to downplay the frightening reality of living with chronic pain and the challenges that come with age, but nearly all of the latest research and studies indicate that mindset is at the heart of how we perceive the experience and how it impacts our mental wellbeing in later life.

The trainers, coaches, and exercise experts I know (and sometimes train with) attest that attitude and outlook are key factors in aging, even in the face of declining physical performance. But that's obvious, right?

Let’s take disability as a better example. People like Kurt Fearnley and Dylan Alcott faced limited physical capabilities from birth and early childhood. Both had choices regarding the attitudes they formed in relation to reality, with the help of their families and communities.

I know healthy people who are unhappy, I know chronically ill people who are unhappy, and I know people who always look for the good in both situations, and it's easy for me to see which of them seems to get more out of life.

I've talked about this here before It's the same with grumpy old ladies (sensing a disturbing theme here?): there are dozens of reasons why older people age their minds along with their bodies, and thousands (and cells and molecules and microbes) why they don't.

So get naked this weekend, get well, and get through it. Why grief doesn't move in a linear fashion through the five stages, but maybe life has already taught us that.

And 7 Questions is back – with a twist! My podcast “You Don't Know Me” is back with a new season. Chef and TV host, the shining diamond, Poh Ling Yeow is my first guest.In this candid, deeply emotive interview, Po talks about the social cultures that keep her up at night and her secret pleasure: controversial cuisine that you'll love (or hate).

Have a safe and fun weekend. The gorgeous and romantic Melbourne band Telenova released their debut album “Time is a Flower” on the 16th, just in time for my birthday. They clearly knew I needed a gift that would keep me forever at ease on the dance floor, even as the years go by.

This is one of my absolute favorite singles off the album, and I hope it touches your hearts too.

I wish you the best.

Virginia Trioli is the presenter of Creative Types and former co-host of ABC News Breakfast and Mornings on ABC Radio Melbourne.




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