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“Jenas Shock” and “Anger at the Denial of a Dementia Treatment Drug”

“Jenas Shock” and “Anger at the Denial of a Dementia Treatment Drug”


BBC Daily Telegraph, front page, 23 August BBC

News of the BBC sacking presenter Jermaine Jenas following complaints hit the front page on Friday, with the Daily Telegraph's main image being a portrait of the former footballer. The paper's front page reports that a new Alzheimer's drug has been “banned from the NHS” because of its cost. Mirroring most of the big news of the past 24 hours, the paper's matte cartoon shows an elated father leaping into the air to celebrate his private-school son failing his GCSEs. The father declares that because his son is leaving school, there will be no VAT on tuition fees under a Labour government.

Daily Mirror, front page, August 23rd

“You're fired!” the Daily Mirror shouted, with “Jermaine Jenas shock” on its front page. In other news, actress Martine McCutcheon says her husband Jack has “decided it's best to separate”.

Daily Mail, front page, August 23rd

“Fury Denied Dementia Drug by NHS Patients” is the lead story in the Daily Mail. The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is quoted as saying the effect is “too small” to justify the “cost of £30,000 a year”.

Daily Express, front page, August 23rd

“Why should only the wealthy have access to a miracle drug for Alzheimer's?” asked the Daily Express, reporting on the NHS decision, which the paper said would affect up to 70,000 people in England.

The Times, front page, August 23rd

A photo of Jonathan and Judy Bloomer, who died in a superyacht disaster off the coast of Sicily, appears on the front page of The Times. “Our only solace is that they are still together,” their family said. Another headline reads: Senior judge instructs courts to “not keep criminals in custody until next month” due to lack of prison space. And Labour is under attack from “leading academics” for “failing to protect free speech” after Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson halted “bills that would have required universities to protect free speech on campuses.”

Metro front page, August 22nd

“Vaccine hope in fight against lung cancer” was the headline of the Metro. The paper reported that a “world-first clinical trial” had begun in the UK. The paper included a photo of scientist Janusz Lacz, who was diagnosed with lung cancer in May and was the first to receive the BMT116 vaccine at the University College London Hospital Clinic.

Financial Times, front page, August 23rd

The Financial Times's lead story is a different kind of health news: “AstraZeneca threatens to move vaccine plant to US as Chancellor Reeves considers aid cuts.” The paper's sources say that the new Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, wants to cut government aid to the flagship company's vaccine manufacturing plant in Merseyside from around £90 million to £40 million. The latter sun, incidentally, is the estimated value of “the world's second-largest diamond” found in Gaborone. A photo of the gem shines on the paper's front page.

August 23rd, front page of I Newspaper

Trade unions are hoping for a pay rise for their members from Rachel Reeves, reports the Eye on its front page, with union leaders “divorced over how to extract the best pay terms from the Chancellor”, according to the headline, while the paper says Britain is headed for higher fruit and veg prices unless Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer “delays the EU investigation”.

The Guardian, front page, August 23rd

We'd all love to be happy with our GCSE results, like the two City of London Academy pupils in Southwark who make up The Guardian's front page. But with exam results “back to pre-Covid levels”, the paper's headline is concern about “attainment gaps”. Consistency may have returned, but “regional differences in results across England are widening”, the paper writes. On public sector union pay expectations, Rachel Reeves denies handing out “blank cheques”. The paper also quotes Conservative leadership candidate James Cleverley as saying Labour has “been taken advantage of by union moneylenders”.

Daily Star, front page, August 23

Storm Lilian, which is expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain to parts of the UK on Friday, has prompted a “major disruption warning” from the Daily Star, but the paper is already optimistic about a “28C heatwave” later this month.

PA Media file photo dated Dec. 22, 2016, shows the hands of an elderly woman. PA Average

The Daily Telegraph has made headlines after a ruling that the first drug to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease will not be available on the NHS in the UK. The organizations that made this decision did not consider the cost of getting sick. To family and society. Daily Mail The ruling has sparked “outrage,” Daily Express “Why should only the rich have access to a miracle cure for Alzheimer's?” he asks. Daily Mirror He said the drug's benefits were “sadly out of reach” for most patients. The i newspaper reports that NHS England has 27 Alzheimer's drugs in clinical trials that could be approved over the next few years.

Cover of Times Magistrates in England and Wales have been told to postpone sentences for offenders who are on bail and are likely to be jailed, in a bid to ease prison overcrowding, the paper reports. The ruling will affect hundreds, possibly thousands, of offenders, the paper says. Some magistrates have expressed scepticism about the plan, calling it a “Band-Aid” for problems in the criminal justice system.

The Financial Times reports: Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has threatened to move its vaccine manufacturing base from Merseyside to Philadelphia.This comes as the government plans to cut state funding for the project – the paper reports that the exchequer wants to cut the offer from £90 million to £40 million. The Treasury said it was in positive discussions with AstraZeneca, while the company said it was fully committed to the Liverpool project.

The Guardian reports that Rachel Reeves suggested he might change how the debt is calculated. The move is to help the government meet its self-imposed fiscal rules. The paper quoted the finance minister as saying the budget would set out “the correct way to measure the debt” and that it was “sensible” to borrow to invest. Reeves also told the paper there would be no “blank cheque” in salary negotiations. solarAn editorial warned that further pay rises would contribute to a “wages spiral that will destroy all hope of growth”, while the Mail said polling showed voters thought Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer should have “negotiated on equal terms” with trade unions rather than “appeasing” them.

The Daily Telegraph reports that director Francis Ford Coppola's new film Megalopolis, which he made with more than $100 million of his own money, has been another flop. The film's trailer was taken down after it was found to contain false quotes. The trailer quotes negative reviews of the filmmaker's previous works, such as The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, with the narrator saying “genius is often misunderstood,” but the quotes are not found in the original reviews. The Guardian reports that one of the misquoted reviews states, “Even if we don't like critics, we don't deserve to have our words forced into our mouths.”

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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