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Most baby foods on the market are unhealthy, study finds

Most baby foods on the market are unhealthy, study finds


Aug 23, 2024 – It's a real struggle. For busy parents looking for tasty foods that are easy to feed their kids, squeeze pouches are appealing, especially when they come with promising claims on the front of the packaging: “Organic,” “No added sweeteners,” “No preservatives” – sound good for you, right?

Well, there is. New Research A survey of over 600 products from the top 10 grocery stores in the United States was conducted. Baby Food Does not satisfy Nutritional Standards The World Health Organization (WHO) has set out a set of guidelines for preventing and treating COPD. The study was published in the journal Nature this week. Nutrients.

The researchers found that 70 percent of the products marketed to infants and toddlers did not meet the organization's protein requirements, and 44 percent exceeded the total sugar requirements. Lead study author Dr. Elizabeth Dunford is a food and health policy expert and associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a mother of two young children.

While shopping at a large supermarket, she was fascinated by the prepared meals in the baby food section. Out of curiosity, she collected all the baby food products herself before analyzing them with the help of the research team.

“Even though I'm an expert in the field, I still find it difficult to determine relatively quickly which product in the baby food aisle is the better choice for my child,” Dunford said. “I've personally been tempted to buy products because of the convenient squeeze pouches on the front.”

Surprisingly, 0% of the products surveyed met the product claims listed on the packaging.

Not meeting or exceeding WHO nutritional requirements doesn't just have short-term effects on a child's health: Feeding them food at that age shapes their future tastes and influences what flavors and ingredients they'll prefer later in life, said Denise Diaz-Payan, PhD, professor of health policy and an expert on nutrition and health disparities at the University of California, Irvine's Joe C. Wen School of Population and Public Health.

Reliance on squeeze pouches poses a particular threat to children's feeding development.

“When they suck the applesauce out of the bag, they miss out on the ability to learn to eat with a spoon,” Dunford says. “When they don't start eating from the container with a spoon, like we did as kids, and they make a mess, they miss a key developmental stage in eating behavior.”

Dunford recommends that when parents shop for their kids, they take a quick look at the back of the packaging to see what the total sugar content is and if there is any added sugar, then skim the ingredients list to see if there's anything they don't understand.

But not everyone turns the package over and looks at the label, Payan noted. the study Surveys on the topic reveal that many people don't understand, and even fewer who do know what they're reading or what they're looking for. Front of package labelPolicy changes like those being made in Chile, Mexico, and other countries around the world would be small but potentially game-changing policy changes.




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