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Molecular mechanisms of MS and other autoimmune diseases

Molecular mechanisms of MS and other autoimmune diseases


More than 20 years ago, a team from the lab of Yale researcher David Hafler, then at Harvard, discovered a type of T cell that suppresses the human immune system. Defects in these so-called regulatory T cells were subsequently found to be an underlying cause of autoimmune diseases, notably multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the mechanism behind this dysfunction remained unknown for many years.

In a new Yale-led study, a team of researchers found that this loss of immune regulation is caused by an increase in PRDM1-S, a protein involved in immune function, and triggers a dynamic interplay of multiple genetic and environmental factors, including high salt intake.

The findings, published in the journal Science Translational Medicineand also revealed new targets for the universal treatment of human autoimmune diseases.

The study was led by Tomokazu Sumida, assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine (YSM), and Hafler, the William S. and Lois Stiles Edgley Professor of Neurology and professor of immunobiology at Yale.

“These experiments reveal an important underlying mechanism of loss of immune regulation in MS and other autoimmune diseases,” said Hafler, who is also chair of Yale's Department of Neurology, “and also add mechanistic insight into how Tregs function.” [regulatory T cells] Dysfunction occurs in human autoimmune diseases.”

Autoimmune diseases are one of the most prevalent in young adults and are known to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors, such as vitamin D deficiency and fatty acids. In a previous study, Sumida and Hafler found that high salt concentrations also influence the development of multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Specifically, they observed that high salt concentrations induce inflammation in a type of immune cell called CD4 T cells, while also causing a loss of regulatory T cell function. This phenomenon was found to be mediated by a salt-sensitive kinase or enzyme called SGK-1, which is essential for cell signaling.

In the new study, the researchers used RNA sequencing to compare gene expression in MS patients to that of healthy people. In MS patients, they identified upregulation, or increased expression, of a gene called PRDM1-S (primate-specific transcription factor), also known as BLIMP-1, which is involved in regulating immune function.

Surprisingly, the researchers found that PRDM1-S causes increased expression of the salt-sensitive SGK-1 enzyme, leading to the destruction of regulatory T cells. Furthermore, similar PRDM1-S overexpression has been found in other autoimmune diseases, suggesting that this may be a general feature of regulatory T cell dysfunction.

“Based on these insights, we are now developing drugs that can target and reduce PRDM1-S expression in regulatory T cells,” Sumida said, “and with our new computational methods to enhance regulatory T cell function, we have begun to collaborate with other Yale researchers to develop a new approach that could have an impact across human autoimmune diseases.”

The research was conducted in collaboration with Hafler's longtime collaborators Bradley Bernstein and Manolis Kelis at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University, as well as several other institutions.

Other authors from the Yale lab include neuroscientist Matthew R. Lincoln and graduate research assistants Alice Yi, Helen Stilwell and Greta Raisa.




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