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Family of Bristol teen warns new students about meningitis

Family of Bristol teen warns new students about meningitis


Charlotte Bresnahan Ryan plays hockey, wearing the blue and white hockey kit.Charlotte Bresnahan

Ryan Bresnahan died of meningitis B in 2010 at the age of 16.

The family of a teenager who died from meningitis has urged parents and college-bound students to get vaccinated and educate themselves about the symptoms.

Ryan, 16, died at his Bristol home in 2010, an hour after complaining of stomach problems.

Anyone can be affected by the disease, which has symptoms such as headaches and nausea, but those under five, 16-24 year olds and the elderly are most at risk.

“Go out there prepared, look at the signs and just generally know what to do in an emergency,” said Michelle Bresnahan, Ryan's mother.

Charlotte Bresnahan As a child, Charlotte is held by Ryan. He is wearing a pale pink polo shirt, she is wearing jeans and a green top. In the background, the ocean can be seen through a light stone wall.Charlotte Bresnahan

Charlotte said her brother Ryan had always been “mischievous”.

Michelle said their lives “changed dramatically” on a “normal Wednesday morning” when Ryan felt unwell during the night and very tired.

“There's nothing to worry about,” Michelle told him, and ended up going to buy Ryan an energy drink.

After Michelle left, Ryan's condition suddenly worsened and his sister, Charlotte Bresnahan, who was 13 at the time, called an ambulance.

“I think the saying back then was something like 'fight or flight,'” says Charlotte, now 28.

“I called the ambulance three times asking where they were, I was so keen to get there as quickly as possible and put him through his pain,” Charlotte added.

When Michelle returned home later, paramedics were at the house and told her Ryan was in a “serious condition” with suspected meningitis.

“I clearly remember responding, 'But it's babies that get meningitis, not 6-foot strong young men,'” she said.

Ryan was then taken to hospital, where he was diagnosed with meningitis B and died the same day.

After his death, his family set up the charity A Life for a Cure, which has raised more than £610,000 for research into the disease.

A board with pictures of Charlotte Bresnahan, Michelle, and Ryan in white letters on a blue background.Charlotte Bresnahan

Life For A Cure, the charity set up by Michelle and her husband John, has raised more than £610,000 for meningitis research.

The volunteer-run charity relies entirely on fundraising from the local community, including sponsored challenges such as the 630-mile walk which Charlotte will begin on September 5th.

To mark her brother's 30th birthday, Charlotte said she wanted to walk the South West Coast Trail in 30 days, which she described as “the equivalent of climbing Everest four times”.

“It was heartbreaking. From the age of 13 until now, I've been dealing with that loss and climbing my own Everest,” she said.

The walk will start in Minehead, go around Land's End and finish in Poole on October 5th, World Meningitis Day.

Charlotte Bresnahan Charlotte is on a hike, sitting and smiling for the camera with mountains and a lake in the background and dense forest in the foreground.Charlotte Bresnahan

Charlotte will be taking on her first solo challenge for charity in celebration of her brother's 30th birthday.

Charlotte said the charity event was a “great excuse” to talk about Ryan, describing him as “mischievous” and fun-loving.

“It allowed me to continue to be a sister,” she said.

Michelle said the foundation has given Ryan the opportunity to make an impact on the world.

“Sixteen is too young to die. He was too great and his story can't end there,” she said.

“We're calling A Life for a Cure Ryan's next chapter. We're writing it and we're so honored to be able to do that,” Michelle said.

Michelle said the charity had a lot of good things to celebrate, especially its contribution to raising funds for the Meningitis B vaccine. It was licensed in 2015.

Charlotte Bresnahan Charlotte and Ryan as children, with the ocean behind them.Charlotte Bresnahan

Charlotte said she and her brother had always been told they looked “identical twins.”

“We will take this seriously”

Dr Tom Nutt, CEO of the UK charity Meningitis NOW, based in Stroud, Gloucestershire, said people needed to treat the disease “as an emergency”.

He said the infection can affect people of all ages, but there is a misconception that only infants and young children are at risk.

Tom Nutt with meningitis. He is wearing a blue suit and a white shirt, with the buttons all the way open.Meningitis Now

Dr Tom Nutt said while the infection can affect people of all ages, there is a misconception that only infants are at risk.

Dr Nutt said students and young people were at particular risk because they were less likely to be vaccinated against the virus, particularly against Menon B, the most common bacteria.

Students and parents need to be more aware of the risks of meningitis, but universities also need to play a role, he added.

“You see posters, fire safety stickers and notices all over public buildings and I hope you'll see similar stickers, posters and notices about meningitis,” he said.

What does the university do?

The exterior of the Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol.

The University of Bristol said information about meningitis was available to students on its website.

At the University of Gloucestershire, each residence hall welcome pack will include a card detailing the symptoms of meningitis.

This is also emphasized in the pre-arrival information video for students and in the residence hall handbooks.

in University of BathMeningitis will also be discussed in the welcome talk which all students must attend.

New College, Swindon, said NHS meningitis posters would be put up in relevant parts of the college and students would be given ID-sized plastic 'meningitis advice cards'.

The University of Bristol has information on meningitis Available on website.

Charlotte Bresnahan Ryan and Charlotte pose for a photo in their school uniformsCharlotte Bresnahan

Charlotte's challenge is sponsored by Clifton College, where she and Ryan attended, and her employer, Digital Radish.

Charlotte said university can be “daunting” because of the pressure to fit in, but that there's “nothing wrong” with treading carefully.

“I think it just highlights the importance of caring and looking out for people's health is not a bad thing,” she said.

“If someone seems unwell please feel confident to let them know – it may just mean going to a nurse at the hospital or university or calling 111,” she added.

What are the signs to look out for?

Meningitis is an infection of the protective membranes (meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord.

It is most common in infants, toddlers, teens, and young adults.

If not treated immediately, the infection can become very serious and cause life-threatening sepsis and permanent damage to the brain and nerves.

Symptoms may include:

  • High fever (fever)
  • Being sick
  • headache
  • A rash that doesn't go away when you roll glass over it (although it doesn't necessarily mean the rash will appear)
  • Stiff neck
  • I hate bright lights
  • Drowsiness or unresponsiveness
  • Seizures

Many vaccines are available, including: MenACWY vaccine and MMR vaccineIt provides some protection against meningitis.

sauce: National Health Service

If you're affected by the issues discussed in this story, you can get help and support at the links below: BBC Action Line.




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