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Alyssa Milano details coronavirus-related hair loss


Alyssa Milano She shares the latest disturbing symptoms she says is part of her ongoing struggle with the coronavirus: Hair Loss.

Posted by actress Twitter videos Brush your hair and explain on Sunday Hair loss More than four months after I said I started feeling COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Symptoms.

“I wanted to show you how much hair you got out of your head as a result of COVID,” she said in a video.

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Using a detangling brush, she reveals the sheaf that comes out each time she brushes her hair and holds a chunk in the camera.

“One brushing, this is my hair loss with COVID-19,” she said. “Please wear a damn mask.”

It’s not just 47-year-old Milan. Twenty-seven percent of patients who recovered from COVID-19 reported hair loss as an ongoing problem in more than 1,500 studies. Survivor Corp Facebook Group..

Doctors’ hair loss is believed to result from a temporary condition called telogen hair loss, where people experience excessive hair loss after events and conditions such as surgery, high fever, illness, extreme weight loss, and childbirth.

The actress wrote Instagram Last week she lost £9 in the first two weeks of April after first experiencing symptoms in late March.

“I’ve never had such a disease,” she wrote. “Everything hurts. The smell went away. I felt like an elephant sitting on my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t hold food. I lost 9 pounds in two weeks. I was confused. And the headache was horrifying, I basically had all the Covid symptoms.”

She added that during the next four months she also experienced “dizziness, stomach abnormalities, irregular periods, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, zero short-term memory, and general malaise.”

After a pair of COVID-19 tests were negative, she had an antibody test in the lab, which was positive and said she was ill.

“Keep in mind that our test system is flawed and we don’t know the actual number,” she wrote. “I want you to know, this illness is not hoax. I thought I was dying. I felt dying.”

Milano uses the hashtag #LongHauler in a Twitter post to Symptoms continue to appear A few months after the first diagnosis.

Dr. Robert Graatter, an emergency physician at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York City, spoke last month about the problems facing long-distance carriers.

“What we’re seeing is that this is a by-product of inflammation by the virus itself,” he said. “In other words, dead fragments of the virus provoke an immune response. As a result, the body reacts, producing certain types of substances that can actually do harm.”

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