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West Nile virus cases on the rise in Minnesota and Wisconsin

West Nile virus cases on the rise in Minnesota and Wisconsin
West Nile virus cases on the rise in Minnesota and Wisconsin


Minneapolis — On the rise West Nile virus Examples from our area.

Two people have died and another has been hospitalized in Wisconsin, and three people in Minnesota recently tested positive for the virus.

West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, with cases peaking in late summer.

“It's terrible. We just got our basement done so we go in there every day to see if anything's come up,” Woodbury resident Jeff Noyes said.

Unlike years past, there has been no shortage of rain this summer, and where there is standing water, there are bound to be mosquitoes.

“When I'm playing golf I think about it and I spray myself, my visor, whatever,” said Karen Taylor of Rochester.

That's the first step in protecting yourself from West Nile Virus.

“Usually the highest risk is in the late summer,” Alex Carlson said.

Carlson is a spokesman for the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. Although the bugs' numbers decrease in the fall, they're still a threat.

“In Minnesota, there is a particular family of mosquito vectors called Culex mosquitoes that breed in containers and therefore prefer artificial habitats,” Carlson said. “It's estimated that only about 20 percent of infected people develop symptoms, but West Nile virus can cause severe illness in some people.”

Those most vulnerable are adults over 60 and those with weakened immune systems.

“It's a lot like the flu. Symptoms include nausea, fever, headache and fatigue,” Carlson said.

Culex and other types of mosquitoes will continue to thrive as long as temperatures are warm enough, so it's a good idea to have insect repellent on hand, even in autumn.

“While you're out watching a high school football game or enjoying a fall evening, make sure you spray on bug repellent, cover up as much as possible and try to avoid as many mosquito bites as possible,” Carlson said.

Experts say the threat of West Nile won't subside until nighttime lows consistently drop below 50 degrees, at which point mosquitoes will begin to die off or go into hibernation.




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