CDC in Maine reports seven new cases of coronavirus, no new deaths
Update: 10th August 2020 10:29 am EDT
Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported seven new cases of coronavirus on Monday, with no new deaths. The total number of Mainers killed in COVID-19 remains at 125. A total of 4,049 outbreaks of seven new coronavirus cases have begun in Maine, with a total of 3,537 Mainner recovering from the virus, an increase of 25 in the last 24 hours. Main coronavirus data: deaths: 125 total cases: 4,049 confirmed cases: 3,641 estimated cases: 408 cumulative positive rate: 2.47% 14-day positive rate: 0.9% patient recovery: 3,537 active cases: 387 Currently in hospital: 8 Intensive care unit: 3 Ventilator patients: 1 Obtain the latest coronavirus information from the main What are the CDC symptoms? Symptoms of coronavirus may include fever, cough, dyspnea, and sore throat. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 14 days after exposure. Other symptoms include chills, repeated shaking due to chills, muscle aches, headaches, and loss of new taste and smell. Health officials say most patients experience mild symptoms and can recover at home. However, some patients, especially those with underlying disorders, may experience more severe respiratory illness. Coronaviruses spread as well as the flu and cold, and include personal contact such as coughing, sneezing, and touching or shaking in the air. Touch your hands or an object or surface with viruses on it, and then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes. People with symptoms are advised to contact their health care provider as well as to see them directly. COVID-19 Resources: Main Help: The Maine Helps website provides a way for Mainers to help nonprofits, healthcare and businesses directly in the event of COVID-19. FrontLine WarmLine: The Maine Department of Health and Human Services telephone line to assist Mainers at the forefront of coronavirus outbreaks. For telephone lines, call 207-221-8196 or 866-367-4440 daily from 8 am to 8 pm. The service will eventually include a text option, officials said. Maine 211: The State 211 system can answer common questions about coronaviruses from callers. The maintainer can also send text to 898-211 to answer the question. NAMI Maine Resources: NAMI Maine offers several programs to help people with mental health concerns due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Augusta, Maine —
Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported seven new cases of coronavirus on Monday with no new deaths.
The total number of Mainers killed in COVID-19 remains at 125.
Since the outbreak began, seven new coronavirus cases have added to a total of 4,049 cases in Maine.
A total of 3,537 Mainners have recovered from the virus. This is an increase of 25 people in the last 24 hours.
Main Coronaville Date:
- Deaths: 125
- Total number of cases: 4,049
- Confirmed example: 3,641
- Possible cases: 408
- Cumulative positive rate: 2.47%
- 14-day positive rate: 0.9%
- Patients recovered: 3,537
- Active cases: 387
- Currently in the hospital: 8
- Intensive care unit patients: 3
- Patients with mechanical ventilation: 1
Get the latest coronavirus information from the main CDC
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of coronavirus include fever, cough, dyspnea, and sore throat. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.
Other symptoms include chills, repeated shivering with chills, muscle aches, headaches, and loss of new tastes and odors.
Health officials said most patients experience mild symptoms and can recover at home.
However, some patients, especially those with underlying illnesses, may experience more severe respiratory illness.
Coronaviruses seem to spread in ways similar to the flu and cold. This includes personal contact such as coughing or sneezing in the air, touching or shaking, touching objects or surfaces that carry the virus, or touching your mouth. , Nose or eyes.
Persons experiencing symptoms are advised to call their health care provider as well as to see them directly.
COVID-19 Resources:
- Main help: Support for Maine website Provides a way for Mainers to help nonprofits, healthcare and businesses directly in the event of COVID-19.
- Front line Warm line: Maine Department of Health and Human Services telephone line. Help Mainers at the forefront of coronavirus outbreaks. For telephone lines, call 207-221-8196 or 866-367-4440 daily from 8am to 8pm. The service will eventually include a text option, officials said.
- 211 mainA: State’s 211 system can answer common questions about coronaviruses from callers. The maintainer can also send text to 898-211 and have the question answered.
- NAMI main resource: NAMI main Offers several programs to help those with mental health concerns due to the COVID-19 crisis.
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