How to stay healthy as you age
Dr. Bill Dorfman, 64, a cosmetic dentist in Southern California, prides himself on looking years younger than he is, and he attributes it to good genes and daily care. Good results Health regimen.
He focuses on abdominal and cardio three days a week, and lifts lighter weights and more repetitions the other days.
Dorfman said: exercise He started exercising after experiencing frequent pain while in dental school. After years as an active swimmer and gymnast in high school, he noticed his fitness declining. “I found that the more I exercised, the better I felt,” he says.
Outside of the gym, he relies on his daily Words With Friends habit. Keep a clear headHe also made dinner plans with various friends, Stay connected.
Dorfman's health routine emphasizes that one of the keys to a long life is a fitness plan that also incorporates mental and emotional health.
“We need to look at the lives of older adults holistically. happyhealthy and wholesome,” says co-founder and CEO Dole Schooler. Intuition Robotics He is also an expert on loneliness among older adults.
Here are four ways to focus on your overall health as you age.
1. Body and brain exercise
stay Physically active It helps prevent injury, speeds up recovery when you do get injured, and has also been linked to improved mental health and brain function.
Kirk Erickson, PhD, Director of Translational Neuroscience Advent Health At Central Florida, where we study the plasticity and modifiability of brain systems, we've found that physical activity is one of the best ways to stay healthy. A healthy brain throughout life.
According to Erikson's research, as we age, The brain shrinksIn particular, the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory formation, is key; exercise helps maintain this part of the brain and possibly even increase its size. There's still a lot to be learned about why and how this works, but Ericson says the longer you keep these habits the better the benefits, so it's a good idea to start young.
Of course, you can still benefit from starting later in life, he says. Over time, memories and information can be recalled more easily, Improved executive function When your brain is in tip-top condition, you can concentrate for longer, he says.
He recommends moderate exercise, such as: walk5 days a week, 30 minutes.
In addition to walking, Dr. Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry, said: Hackensack Meridian HealthStrength training can help prevent age-related muscle loss and extend lifespan, Dr. Schneider says, and balance exercises can help prevent falls and slips, which are the leading cause of injury in adults over 65.
Jasmine Marcus, a physical therapist at Cayuga Medical Center in Ithaca who works with patients of all ages and physical activity levels, recommends that if you're new to exercise, start on your toes. Start with something that gets your heart rate up, like a group fitness class like Zumba. Having a partner to hold you accountable works even better, she says.
2. Pursue mental health
Small also recommends engaging in brain-healthy activities. One study found that the simple act of reading an article or researching a topic online can help improve brain function. Google It provided valuable intellectual stimulation. I solved crossword puzzles, read books, played games, Hobby practicedaydreaming all contribute to mental clarity.
Stress Management Meditation is also a key component of maintaining mental health: Just 10 minutes a day of meditation can improve mood and cognition, rewiring the brain and strengthening neural pathways, Small says.
“You don't have to go to a retreat in Nepal or India to meditate, but you can learn the technique,” he says.
3. Stay social
U.S. Surgeon General The recommendation was made last year There is growing concern about the epidemic of loneliness among the public, which is having a negative impact on health. One study found that a lack of social connections Smoke up to 15 cigarettes a dayOther studies have shown that social connections reduce the risk of premature death, making it clear that social and emotional health is key to healthy aging.
Sculler, who makes AI-powered social companions to help seniors stay active and engaged, said major life changes such as the death of a spouse often lead to feelings of loneliness.
“It's definitely a watershed moment,” he says. Suddenly, no one's asking how you slept or what your plans are for the day. Similar issues arise with asynchronous aging, when one spouse ages while the other ages. dementiaFor example, other events such as retirement or a child going to college could have a similar effect on societal well-being, Sculler said.
EricThe robot companions that Sculler's company makes are one way for older people to stay connected, but he thinks everyone should friendship It also strengthens relationships with family. Volunteering can also give your life purpose and connection, he says.
4. Practice good sleep hygiene
There is a myth that older people need less care Sleep with ageBut the reality is, says Dr Jamie Zeitzer, an advisor and science commentator for Rise Science, sleep As we age, sleep becomes more difficult. As a result, many older adults go to bed later and wake up earlier.
“Humans are programmed to be awake. [hours] “Sleep eight hours,” he says. “Older people have a harder time doing that, so they have to make a bit more effort.”
The causes of poor sleep can be both social and physical: As we age, Zeitzer says, we become more sensitive to noise and temperature, so the garbage truck that never woke us up on its weekly route might now wake us up at 6 a.m., he says. Similarly, a bedroom that's too hot or too cold can disrupt our sleep.
As you age, your sensitivity to caffeine also increases, so while you may have been able to have a cup of coffee in the evening before, you may find it harder to fall asleep a few hours later.
Retirement also brings big changes because social constraints on sleep are suddenly gone. Older adults who don't have social obligations in the early mornings may feel less motivated to sleep at their usual times. Taking a daytime nap, for example, can “rob you of nighttime sleep,” says Zeitzer.
For older adults, sleeping too little or too fragmented can lead to serious cognitive problems the next day, Zeitzer adds, and long-term sleep deprivation has been linked to health conditions including depression, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
Good habits can help to some extent with sleep problems. First, avoid caffeine during the day. Second, Regulating the temperature of your sleep environment To encourage rest.
And he recommends finding a way to relax before bed. While some experts warn against using electronics before bed, Zeitzer says watching a TV show is fine, as long as it helps you relax and prepare for sleep afterwards.
“It's always good to aim to close your eyes and fall asleep, but other people need more of a relaxation routine,” he says.
More on healthy aging:
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