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Melatonin or Ashwagandha: Which is Better for Sleep? Experts Speak Out

Melatonin or Ashwagandha: Which is Better for Sleep? Experts Speak Out
Melatonin or Ashwagandha: Which is Better for Sleep? Experts Speak Out


Deadlines and busy days have made the past few weeks especially hectic, and for me as a Type A personality, this means the odds of having a good night out are low. sleep This was not a good situation for me. So I took out my trusty bottle and… MelatoninI took 5 milligrams of a sleep hormone supplement for several nights in a row to try and get a little more restful sleep.

Fewer Americans are getting the recommended eight hours of sleep, and more say they need more. Gallup Poll, April 2024I am one of many contributing to the growth of the sleep aid market. $130 billionPart of that market also includes sleep supplements such as melatonin and those that are herb-based. AshwagandhaI take the former when I fear an attack of insomnia is coming, but I know several people who have taken melatonin every night for years (unfortunately for them, this is probably That's not a good ideaAnd my friend swears that ashwagandha helps her relieve anxiety and stress and fall asleep faster.

But when you compare them, which ones should you actually take to help you sleep, and should you take them at all?

What are Melatonin and Ashwagandha?

Melatonin Melatonin is a natural hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain that regulates circadian rhythms. It acts as your body's internal clock, helping you know when it's time to go to bed (higher levels at night) and when to wake up (lower levels in the morning). Natural or synthetic melatonin can be taken as a pill or gummy to promote sleep.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, an herb that helps regulate the stress hormone cortisol. It comes from a shrub that grows in Africa and Asia and is often available in capsule, powder, or tea form. Research suggests Improves brain function, inflammationIt also reduces stress and anxiety and helps you sleep better.

Which is better for sleep: Melatonin or Ashwagandha?

Research has mixed results on how well melatonin and ashwagandha help you sleep at night. One study published in January 2022 found that National Library of Medicine Melatonin has been shown to have a positive effect on sleep quality. However, study Published in the same year Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found “weak” evidence for the use of melatonin for sleep disorders.

Regarding Ashwagandha: Various studies It has been shown to have a small but significant effect on improving sleep, especially in people who suffer from insomnia, when taken for eight consecutive weeks.

When deciding between the two, “it's important to note whether it's just a problem getting to sleep, or whether it's a problem staying asleep as well,” says Dr. From tired to amazingAddressing sleep disorders.

For those who have trouble falling asleep, he says luckHe typically recommends starting with 5 mg of melatonin. For those who wake up during the night, he recommends taking a higher, more sustained dose of melatonin. To get the sleep benefits of ashwagandha, he says, the supplement needs to be at least 5% potent, of good quality, and in a 600 mg dose. He adds that it's okay to use the two together.

If insomnia is the primary issue, he typically starts with 10mg extended-release melatonin and adds other treatments as needed. If daytime fatigue is severe, he adds high-potency ashwagandha to improve both sleep and wakefulness. Energy And insomnia.

“Melatonin is most effective at helping with sleep, but it also helps with nighttime acid reflux and has antioxidant, immune and neuroprotective properties,” he says. “Ashwagandha, as a discreet ingredient, helps with sleep, but also helps with energy, cognition, stress and other functions. Both melatonin and ashwagandha improve sleep and energy.”

Is Melatonin or Ashwagandha safer for sleep?

Because sleeping pills can cause significant problems, Teitelbaum prefers to start with natural, safe alternatives like melatonin or ashwagandha, which aren't necessarily “safe”—but you should make sure they're certified. NSF InternationalIt is an agency that checks the purity of the ingredients in supplements. Also, like most things in life, there are risks with too much and so they should be taken in moderation.

Ashwagandha is safe for adults, but possible side effects include diarrhea, drowsiness, headache, and upset stomach, according to the NIH. Melatonin can also cause nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches. Cleveland ClinicNeither should be taken if pregnant or breastfeeding. Short-term use is OK, but little is known about long-term use. Psychological dependence The reason for turning to melatonin is that some experts believe its effectiveness is due to a placebo effect.

Teitelbaum says it's reasonable to use it intermittently during times of stress or sleeplessness, or even indefinitely. Little known Opinions vary on the effects of long-term melatonin use, so for your specific sleep disorder, it's best to consult with a specialist who can help you develop a nighttime strategy. Most experts agree that it's important not to rely on any supplement as a cure-all for sleep disorders.

Jennifer Martin, PhD, a psychologist and past president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Previously said luck She doesn't recommend sleep supplements at all; instead, you should focus on improving your sleep hygiene, says Anna Krieger, M.D., medical director of the Center for Sleep Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian. Explained luck Supplements are best used in conjunction with an enhanced nighttime routine.

That includes a dark, cool bedroom, regular bedtime and wake-up routines, limiting light exposure before bedtime and learning “ways to reduce stressors or underlying anxiety that may be impacting your sleep,” Kreiger said.

Any time you make any changes to your health habits, it's important to consult with your doctor first to determine the best way to address your sleep issues and what supplements, if any, are right for you.

More about sleep:

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