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Microplastic Safety: How to Reduce Exposure

Microplastic Safety: How to Reduce Exposure


Microplastics are everywhere. These tiny plastic particles are often small Bacteria thinner than a human hair have been found to be present in the food we eat, the liquids we drink, and throughout the human body. lung, brain, blood and Breast milk.

While researchers are still investigating the exact effects on human health, microplastics (and their even smaller variants, Nanoplastics) pose a two-fold threat: the particles themselves can cause harm, and the chemicals they contain can also cause harm. Recent Research Plastics in blood vessel plaque have been linked to the risk of heart attack, stroke or death from any cause. Other studies have found that exposure to plastics may increase the risk of: cancer, Parkinson's disease and Male infertility.

Plastic is ubiquitous and impossible to avoid entirely, but there are steps you can take to minimise its presence.

“I understand, and we all understand, that plastic is a really important part of our society, but we can reduce our direct exposure,” says Sheela Satyanarayana, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington who studies chemicals in plastics that affect the endocrine system.

Reduce plastic use, period.

Some exposure to microplastics comes from the environment. air For example, particles enter our bodies when we breathe, and plastic in water Accumulates in seafoodBut other causes lie closer to home, and Satyanarayana says the “simplest thing” to do to limit your exposure is to use less plastic.

Simple steps like switching from bottled water to tap water can make a difference – one litre of bottled water contains an average of 240,000 plastic pieces. According to Research: Previous research Estimation If the average American drank tap water instead of bottled water, their intake of plastic particles would be significantly reduced.

No plastic in the kitchen

It's not just bottled water: Food storage containers, cutting boards, and many other kitchen items are often made from or contain plastic. Even tea bags may be made from materials that contain plastic, says Mark Wiesner, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Duke University who has studied how plastic breaks down.

quiz: Can you identify everyday items that contain plastic?

Luckily, many of these kitchen utensils are also available in glass or stainless steel, so wooden cutting boards can be used in place of plastic ones. The switch is especially important because plastic can deteriorate faster when exposed to heat.

“Never, ever heat food in plastic containers in the microwave,” says New York City endocrinologist Gillian Goddard, who writes for Parentdata, a pregnancy, parenting, and menopause resource. Reinforced glass like Pyrex is a good alternative for heating food.

If you do use plastic products, Goddard recommends hand washing them, as the heat and friction of the dishwasher can spread particles to other dishes. She also recommends throwing them out or repurposing them if they become scratched. She also advises not to reuse single-use plastics, like bags or takeout containers, for storing food.

Choose clothes made from natural fibers

Textiles made from synthetic fibers are a frequent and often forgotten source of exposure to microplastics, especially during washing and drying. Plastic-free alternatives include natural fibers such as wool, cotton and linen.

If washing synthetic fabrics is unavoidable, How to minimize the damage When washing your laundry, try to wash it in an environmentally friendly way by filling the laundry as much as possible, using cold water and air drying.

Keeping the air clean

Plastic particles often become airborne. Thrown by a tireFor example, or ReleaseThe virus originates from bubbles on the ocean surface, so wearing a quality face mask if you're walking around outdoors is the best way to minimise ingesting the virus.

But you can keep the air clean at home by installing a HEPA air filter. While the filter will trap many particles, tiny particles can still get through. Satyanarayana also recommends taking off your shoes inside the home to reduce dust recirculation.

An imperfect solution

Because plastic is so ubiquitous, no individual measure can completely eliminate it from our lives, and Goddard says it's even hard to know how much existing guidelines mitigate harm: Because exposure to plastic is so ubiquitous, finding control groups for experiments is hard.

But taking small steps can't hurt, and reducing your reliance on plastic will have an overall positive impact on the environment. “If you can do these simple things without it causing major disruptions to your life, you're probably doing something beneficial,” Goddard says.

Satyanarayana said reducing exposure to plastic was especially important for people who are already vulnerable to health risks, such as children and pregnant women.

But ultimately, systemic solutions are needed to truly tackle the world's plastic problem, and Goddard and Satyanarayana are eager to see governments take action. Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution The United Nations is working to develop a legally binding treaty on plastics, but countries are divided on its scope, particularly provisions calling for reduced plastic production.

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