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Incessant rains spark chikungunya outbreak, 164 cases in August | Mumbai News

Incessant rains spark chikungunya outbreak, 164 cases in August | Mumbai News


MUMBAI: As the city experienced incessant rains in August, doctors have seen a surge in cases of chikungunya — a viral infection spread by infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes — with people visiting clinics complaining of symptoms like acute joint pain, fever and rash.

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The Briham Mumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has announced a six-fold rise in chikungunya cases following the rains. An alarming 164 chikungunya cases were reported in the city in August alone, compared to 25 in July this year and 35 in August last year, according to the civic body's data.

Similarly, cases of dengue fever, malaria and leptospirosis have also soared in the city (see box).

“Incessant rains in August have led to increased mosquito breeding, which has led to a rise in the number of chikungunya and water-borne disease cases,” BMC executive health officer Dr Daksha Shah said.

The BMC has urged residents to ensure that there are no standing water puddles in and around their homes. “Puddles are breeding sites for mosquitoes and female mosquitoes lay their eggs in damp areas. If any such sites are found, immediate steps should be taken to drain them,” it warned.

Private hospitals in the city have also seen a surge in chikungunya cases, with the virus causing high fever, persistent and severe joint pain and weakness.

“Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne disease and we have seen a surge in cases in the recent past. We are seeing around eight to 10 cases of chikungunya per week. It is the same mosquito that transmits dengue and is highly prevalent especially in urban areas where construction work is going on and clean stagnant water is stored in the form of water jugs, overhead tanks and flower pots,” said Dr Neeraj Turala, infectious diseases specialist at DR LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai.

Dr Turala said the city was dotted with construction sites with craters that collect water. “These sites become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, spreading diseases such as chikungunya, dengue and malaria.”

Dr Umang Agrawal, infectious diseases consultant at PD Hinduja Hospital, said they see at least two to three cases of chikungunya every day. “So, if you count all our doctors, it comes to around six to seven cases per day. As for leptospirosis, it generally occurs due to standing water. Though there has been less rain overall, when it did rain, it was always heavy and water accumulated in certain areas. That could be the reason for the high number of leptospirosis cases,” he said.

He added that the bed nets could be very helpful in preventing an increase in cases next month and in future.

The BMC has also urged the public to avoid self-medicating if they have fever or symptoms associated with these diseases and to take precautions such as avoiding crowds, eating street food, washing hands frequently with soap and water and wearing masks while stepping out.




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