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Local politicians have criticized the county-wide blockade and say a more targeted approach is needed


Any extension or amendment to the Midland blockade must be covered, warning county politicians.

We’re worried that the new limits for Kildare, Laois, and Offery may extend beyond the first two weeks.

Responding to the growing cluster of Covid-19s in the counties, nearly 400,000 people in the three counties have returned to Phase 2 of their roadmap reopening on Friday evening. This is mainly associated with outbreaks in meat processing plants.

Laois, Offaly, and Kildare had more than 290 cases of Covid-19 14 days before the Friday decision, accounting for almost half of the cases detected domestically during that period.

However, given the geography of the region, local politicians are questioning the wisdom of a national blockade. As an example, Enfield, County Meath, is closer to the Brady’s factory in Timaho than the leakslip in northern Kildare. Under current regulations, the Enfield is unlocked, but the leak slip is locked.

NPHET’s advice was given because the public’s understanding of county boundaries is clearer than radial distance.

James Lawless TD wants a “cluster-led” approach

However, Firana File TD of Kildare North James Throws said he needed to consider a more targeted lockdown.

“We need to block around the cluster, not the entire county. We know where the cluster is. From Leakslip at the southern end of Carlow to Castle Dermot, we’ll block just above Wicklow. It’s gone too far,” he said.

“Counties aren’t homogeneous. The demographic patterns in the counties are very different. I think we should take a cluster-led approach.

“I understand the motivation for it, but the virus doesn’t exist in the community so far, and as we move forward, damage to our business becomes harder to repair.”

Lawless called for specific targeted support to be available to companies in the county. This will be discussed at a meeting of the Cabinet’s Covid-19 Subcommittee on Tuesday morning.

Katherine Murphy, co-leader of the Social Democratic Party, said people in her area were “frustrated and angry” about the blockade.

She said people would expect a “much more sophisticated limit” and the local “goodwill” would be lost as the plan looks “in a hurry”. She said people are angry at the perceived lack of oversight from government agencies in meat planning.

Independent TD Carroll Nolan said extended lockdowns not ruled out by NPHET would prove disastrous for businesses.

“People say we may have had a blockade in the affected areas, so they are really upset. We feel it was an extreme and terrible reaction.

“Some small businesses need to close if they don’t receive the first aid package.”


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