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COVID-19 vaccine targeting new variants for the 2024-2025 season

COVID-19 vaccine targeting new variants for the 2024-2025 season


Robert Walker, MD, Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and Interim Head of Research and Development at Novavax, explains that the COVID-19 pandemic has entered a new phase, with another family of viruses, the JN.1 lineage, now circulating in the United States. Similar to the annual process of updating influenza vaccines, new COVID-19 vaccines are being developed to target this emerging strain. However, Walker notes that vaccination rates are declining, with only 21-22% of people getting vaccinated last season. Walker believes this is due to vaccine hesitancy, with some people becoming pandemic-weary or misinformed about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Walker emphasizes that having an updated formulation is important to provide optimal protection, not only for personal health, but also to protect vulnerable members of the community.

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question: How will the 2024-2025 COVID-19 season be different from previous years, particularly in terms of virus mutations and public health impacts?

Robert Walker: Well, I think what's particularly different about this season is that we have a different family of COVID-19 viruses that are circulating in the United States right now. Last year we talked about the XBB or XBB 1.5 lineage, and this year we're talking about JN.1. So that means we have a new variant circulating. I liken this to flu season. Every year we update the flu vaccine to match the strains that are circulating, and we're seeing a very similar process going on with the COVID vaccine, where a new vaccine is being released that targets this new family, called the JN.1 lineage. I think another key difference is that fewer and fewer people are choosing to get vaccinated. For last year, 2023-2024, they reported about 21-22% of people were vaccinated, which is a lower number than the year before. This season, we're hopeful that through our concerted efforts to help people understand the importance of getting vaccinated, we'll be able to surpass that number. But I think we're facing even more challenges that lead to vaccine hesitancy and people not really taking advantage of a very important public health tool that can help protect themselves, their families, and their communities.

Question: Eh?The FDA has granted emergency use authorization for improved mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna TX. How do these vaccines differ from previous versions, and are there any new adverse events that pharmacists and patients should be aware of?

Robert Walker: Well, of course, our company, Novavax, makes a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna, as you pointed out, make mRNA vaccines. All of the vaccines that are available this season target the JN.1 lineage. That's the main difference. So the formulations have been updated to target this year, this season's strains, rather than the predominant circulating strains last year. On the safety side, the COVID-19 vaccines have had a tremendous safety experience through 2020 and 2021, and they continue to be extremely safe and effective, and I think most people should have confidence in the performance of these vaccines and recognize that they are probably one of the safest interventions currently available.

question: What is the importance of getting the updated vaccine, even if someone has already received the previous vaccine?

Robert Walker: Although immunization or vaccination with earlier formulations of COVID-19 vaccines may confer some protection, for optimal protection it is important to be vaccinated with a formulation that targets the strains that are currently circulating or expected to be circulating next season. Therefore, the main reason to get vaccinated this season is to get a vaccine that is as well-matched as possible to the strains you are likely to infect, and the only way to achieve that is to get the most recent formulation.

question: What are the main factors behind this year's decline in vaccination rates?

Robert Walker: I think we face many challenges when it comes to people who are hesitant to get vaccinated. People who choose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason may be because, frankly, they are tired and they want to get on with their lives, or they may just want to get through the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemic period. They may be making decisions based on insufficient information or, frankly, incorrect information. There are many different reasons for this, but our job is, of course, to make people understand the importance of getting vaccinated and to raise as much awareness as we can, because it is in the individual's best interest to be protected. It is also important for families, to make sure they don't spread the virus to their loved ones. It is also important for the community, because those who are vulnerable to very severe disease may end up in hospitals or in intensive care units, on ventilators, being treated. We want to make sure that vulnerable people in our community are protected. The best way to do that is to protect ourselves and reduce the opportunities for the virus to spread.




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