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Brits urged to cut back on bacon and cheese consumption to reduce risk of heart attack | High Blood Pressure

Brits urged to cut back on bacon and cheese consumption to reduce risk of heart attack | High Blood Pressure


People in the UK are being urged to cut back on their consumption of ham, bacon and cheese in a bid to reduce their salt intake and lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Eating salty foods contributes to high blood pressure, the biggest cause of avoidable death in the UK, and the charity Blood Pressure UK says up to four million Britons could have undiagnosed hypertension.

The disease is of major concern to doctors because it has no obvious symptoms and often goes undetected until someone undergoes a medical test or develops serious health problems such as a heart attack.

“It's hard to believe that small amounts of salt can have such an impact on our health, especially when it can raise our blood pressure,” said Phil Piatt, the charity's chief executive. “So we're urging all adults of all ages to take control of their health by checking their blood pressure, along with making simple diet and lifestyle changes such as eating less salt, eating more fruit and vegetables and getting more exercise.”

The NHS recommends keeping salt intake to no more than six grams a day – average intake fell from more than nine grams to around eight grams in the 2000s, but has remained little changed since then.

Treating hypertension costs the NHS in England more than £2 billion a year. 2014Such figures were last published in .

In shocking news for bacon lovers, Blood Pressure UK says the product typically contains around 3g of salt per 100g, pointing out that Morrisons' Smoked Stripe Bacon in particular contains almost double that amount, at 5.6g.

“Two slices of bacon and a bub of ketchup account for one-third of your daily salt intake,” the report states. “Add two more slices of bacon and you'll reach half of your recommended salt intake in just one meal.”

The charity said people should reduce their salt intake by not adding salt to food at the table, avoiding soup cubes, gravies and soy sauce, and limiting their intake of processed foods.

The estimate that there are four million undiagnosed cases in the UK is in line with data and research from NHS England. Published A study published last year by the Office for National Statistics estimated that 32% of adults in England have high blood pressure, and of those, 29% have undetected hypertension.

NHS England has a new Initiative The company will soon begin offering blood pressure checks during dental and eye exams in an effort to uncover undiagnosed hypertension, and says that in the past year, pharmacies have performed more than one million blood pressure checks.

An estimated 1.28 billion adults worldwide have hypertension, of which in 80% of cases, hypertension is not adequately controlled.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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