Map shows states with West Nile Virus, EEE, outbreaks as cases of mosquito-borne disease spread

Increasing cases of mosquito-borne diseases — West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis — Multiple cases have been reported in the United States, raising questions about where the disease was detected.
Eastern equine encephalitis, also known as EEE or triple E, is a rare but deadly virus that is usually spread by mosquitoes. Certain swampsThis includes the red maple and white cedar swamps of Massachusetts. Experts say the horses Host Animal It has the word “horse” in its name, since it is the name of a virus.
Last month, a healthy 41-year-old New Hampshire man with no underlying health conditions Died from the virusNow another man from the state Fight for your life EEE and two other mosquito-borne viruses, West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis.
CDC and state health departments are tracking cases of EEE, as shown in the map below. New cases appear on the map above after they are reported to CDC, but there may be a slight delay. CDC is: Update data Every 1-2 weeks from June to December.

Health officials are also tracking cases of West Nile virus, the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the continental United States.
They are prevalent during the summer and autumn mosquito seasons, but experts say that global warming is Mosquito season is getting longerThis increases the chances of the disease spreading.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who led the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic, recently Hospitalized with West Nile feverLast month he He told CBS News He was released from hospital and was expected to make a full recovery.
The map below shows states with reported West Nile Virus cases in 2024. As with the EEE map, there may be some lag before the most recent cases are added. CDC Updates Every 1-2 weeks from June to December.

How to protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases
Mosquitoes also carry other diseases. Dengue feverIt was discovered this year in Puerto Rico, Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Oropouche virus, or “sloth fever” Several tourists have been infected in Cuba recently.
The best way to avoid getting sick from mosquito bites is Avoid getting bitten in the first place.
To mitigate the risks, experts suggest:
- use Insect repellent
- Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants
- Wearing treated clothing and outdoor gear Permethrin
- Staying indoors when mosquitoes are most prevalent, usually at dawn and dusk
- Drain standing water where mosquitoes breed and multiply
CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. John LaPolk said protecting themselves is especially important for people at higher risk, such as older adults and those with compromised immune systems.
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