A new approach to treating post-COVID symptoms
In a world still struggling with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, an international team of researchers has proposed a new approach to treat the persistent symptoms that plague many survivors of the viral infection. Published in Brain Medicine (ISSN: 2997-2639, Genomic Press, New York) on August 30, 2024, the study outlines a multimodal treatment strategy that could offer hope to millions of people suffering from post-acute infectious syndrome (PAIS), a condition that includes what is commonly known as long COVID.
“We know that post-viral syndromes are incredibly complex and have no single cause or cure. Our study suggests that by combining different treatments, we may be able to reset the body's systems and help people suffering from these debilitating diseases.”
Dr Charlotte Steenbroeck, senior study author, Carl Gustav Kars University Hospital
The proposed treatment plan includes a combination of pharmacological and physical therapy. On the pharmacological side, the researchers highlight the potential of metformin, a common diabetes medication, and low-dose naltrexone, traditionally used to treat addiction, both of which have shown promise in reducing inflammation and modulating the immune system.
In addition to these medications, the study recommends physical treatments such as extracorporeal apheresis (a blood filtering technique) and transcutaneous nerve therapy to stimulate the vagus nerve, which are intended to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and ease cognitive symptoms.
“What's particularly exciting about this approach is that it has the potential to address the range of symptoms seen in PAIS,” said co-author Milo A. Puhan, PhD, of the University of Zurich. “From fatigue and brain confusion to cardiovascular issues, we're looking at treatment strategies that can address multiple aspects of these symptoms simultaneously.”
The researchers emphasize that the proposed strategy is based on a comprehensive review of current evidence and hypotheses regarding the mechanisms underlying post-viral syndromes. They call for large-scale clinical trials to validate the efficacy of this multimodal approach.
“We are at a critical crossroads in our understanding of post-infectious syndrome. We hope that this Perspective will stimulate further research and lead to more effective treatments for people suffering from the long-term effects of viral infection,” said Dr. Stephen R. Bornstein, lead author of the study. “Patients with post-infectious syndrome are desperately searching for treatments that will somehow relieve their symptoms. Randomized controlled trials are not available, and even if they are performed, they are difficult to interpret due to the heterogeneity of the patient group. We therefore propose a more individualized approach based on currently available biomarkers, using a multimodal strategy that has been demonstrated to improve patients' symptoms in multiple cohort studies. Even in the absence of high-level evidence, such practice-oriented management may provide some guidance to physicians and, most importantly, provide temporary or long-term relief for patients.”
As the world tries to overcome the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for future health challenges, this innovative approach could represent a major step forward in the treatment of post-viral syndromes. The researchers hope that their work will stimulate further research and ultimately lead to improved quality of life for millions of people suffering from these chronic diseases.
Journal References:
Steenbroeck, C. Others. (2024). Multimodal approaches for the treatment of post-acute infectious syndrome. Brain Medicine. translation:
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