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Flu vaccinations are now available. When is the best time to get vaccinated? – NBC New York

Flu vaccinations are now available. When is the best time to get vaccinated? – NBC New York


Flu vaccination season is approaching.

The pharmacy started Distributing the vaccine I got the recommended vaccination last month for everyone over 6 months of age, and because influenza activity typically picks up in the fall and peaks between December and February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends getting a flu shot this month or next.

It takes about two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective.

“You should really consider making or planning an appointment to get vaccinated between late September and the end of October,” said Dr. Judith O'Donnell, chief of infectious diseases at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia.

This year's flu vaccine is trivalent, meaning it protects against three types of influenza viruses: two versions of influenza A and one type of influenza B. For more than a decade, the United States has also protected against a fourth strain of influenza B, but because that strain has not been circulating since March 2020, the Food and Drug Administration's Vaccine Advisory Committee decided to remove it this year.

What you need to know about influenza vaccinations

Most people only need one dose of the vaccine, but children under age 8 who have never had a flu shot should get two doses, spaced at least four weeks apart. The CDC recommends that unvaccinated children get their first dose right away.

Adults over 65 are at highest risk for severe illness from the flu and should request a specific shot that produces a stronger immune response than the regular flu vaccine. The CDC recommends three options for this age group: Fluzone High-Dose, Flublok, and Fluad. The first two are high-dose vaccines, meaning they contain higher amounts of antigens, the components that trigger an immune response, while Fluad contains an ingredient called an adjuvant that helps boost the immune response.

“It's not available everywhere, so you really have to shop around and find out where you can get it,” said Amanda Joy, a physician assistant at MedStar Health, a health care provider in the Washington, D.C., area. She recommended calling doctor's offices and pharmacies ahead of time.

Last year, influenza killed about 25,000 people in the United States and hospitalized 400,000.

The effectiveness of flu vaccines at preventing doctor's visits tends to vary from year to year: Scientists choose which strains to target based on strains circulating in other parts of the world, but there's no guarantee those strains will become dominant in the United States.

“In optimal years, about 80% [effectiveness]”In a bad year, it's probably 30%,” said Dr. Michelle Baron, senior medical director of infection prevention and control at UCHealth.

Australia's flu season runs from June to about September, giving some insight into what to expect in the U.S. This year hasn't seen an unusually high number of hospitalizations or deaths.

“It appears to have been a pretty typical flu season. It didn't necessarily start early as was feared last year,” Barron said.

Some people with egg allergies may be hesitant to get the flu vaccine, but it's safe for them given that most vaccines are derived from eggs. Joy said those who remain concerned could try Flucellvax instead, a vaccine developed using mammalian cells.

The FDA has approved an updated COVID-19 vaccine that targets a new lineage of Omicron's descendants.

COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations can be administered at the same time

Health experts expect the usual flare-ups of influenza and COVID-19 to hit in the fall and winter. The summer wave of COVID-19 cases has yet to subside, but experts expect a new wave to hit this winter, likely around the same time as the flu peak.

of COVID-19 vaccine targets KP.2 variantIt became dominant in the United States in late April. A genetically similar strain, KP.3.1.1, has since become dominant, but current vaccines still Providing a better defense More than any previous coronavirus vaccination.

Vaccination is recommended for everyone over the age of 6 months. Children up to age 4 should receive at least one dose of the new vaccine, and if they haven't been vaccinated before, they should receive two or three doses, according to the CDC.

Everyone else will need one dose. People who have had coronavirus recently can wait until three months after infection to get the shot, as they likely already have some immunity.

COVID-19 and flu shots can be safely given at the same time, either in the same arm or in different arms. The CDC recommends getting both at once for convenience, but it's unclear whether this provides any additional benefit. A small study published in April found that giving COVID-19 and flu shots at the same time: Boosting antibody response to coronavirus In blood samples, however, experts are unsure whether that translates to a more protective effect.

If you give an injection at once Slight increase in side effectsThe CDC study found that reactions are still generally mild, but symptoms are still mild.

“If you have both at the same time, you may experience aches, chills and a slight fever, but you can also get either on its own,” Joy said.

She added that when deciding when to get vaccinated, it's best to postpone getting the shot if you're feeling unwell.

“If you get vaccinated when you're sick, you might not get the full effect you want, so it's much better to wait until you're healthy,” she said.

How much does the injection cost?

Flu vaccinations are available at clinicsand are offered through pharmacies, clinics, and some workplaces.

While CVS and Walgreens have COVID-19 and flu vaccines in stock, Walmart pharmacies are only offering flu shots for now. Walmart said it is ready to offer COVID-19 vaccinations once supply is available.

People with insurance do not have to pay out of pocket for the vaccine as long as they get it at a medical institution within the network.Uninsured children can also get vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza through the government-run “Vaccine for Children Program.”

Adults who don't have insurance may be able to get a free or low-cost vaccine from federally qualified health centers or state or local health departments, but supplies may be limited. Otherwise, the COVID-19 vaccine will cost about $150 to $200, a stark difference from past years when it was free for people with or without insurance. The CDC's Bridge Access Program, which covered the cost of COVID-19 vaccinations for uninsured adults, ended in August.

The cost of a flu vaccine can range from $25 to more than $100, depending on the type of shot.

This story first On NBCNews.comMore from NBC News:




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