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Doctors 'truly amazed' at man's eye transplant recovery after live power line accident

Doctors 'truly amazed' at man's eye transplant recovery after live power line accident


A military veteran who received the world's first total eye transplant recently traded in his old license plate depicting his injured face for a new one that shows his recovery.

Power Line Worker Aaron James James lost most of his face after accidentally coming into contact with a 7,200-volt live electrical wire at work in June 2021. Doctors performed the world's first full eye and partial face transplant in May 2023, and he has now returned to his daily life.

“I'm pretty much back to being a normal person and doing normal things,” James said in a press release from NYU Langone Health in New York City, “but overall, this year has been the most changeful of my life.”

While his vision has yet to return, doctors are excited about what the transplant could mean for the future.

A life-changing accident

James doesn't remember accidentCBS News previously reported that the man was rushed to a local burn unit after accidentally touching a live electrical wire while holding a ground wire in his left hand, according to New York University Langone.

Dr Eddie Rodriguez, one of James' doctors who performed the transplant, previously said James was in “terrible shape. His arm had to be amputated.” [above the elbow]in the middle of his arm. His face is destroyed.”

Surgeons at NYU Langone Hospital during James' transplant surgery.

Joe Carrotta / NYU Langone

James was put into a medically induced coma for six weeks and spent more than three months in a burn unit at a Dallas hospital, according to NYU Langone. When he woke up, he had lost his nose, his front teeth, his left eye and his dominant left hand. He had also lost his jaw down to the bone, 20 percent of his tongue, his left cheek and his lip.

Recovery Process

James, a National Guard veteran who served three tours of duty in Iraq, Kuwait and Egypt, had undergone multiple reconstructive surgeries but still couldn't eat or drink normally and had trouble speaking, so he agreed to undergo the world's first face transplant, which also included a donor eye transplant.

James has regained his sense of taste, smell and ability to eat solid food, but not his eyesight. Tests showed that light-sensitive nerve cells in his eye survived the transplant, so doctors said his surgery “offers hope for the future of whole-eye transplants to restore vision.”

“We are truly amazed that Aaron recovered without rejection,” said Dr. Rodriguez. “Our systematic approach to the matching process that allowed us to match Aaron with the most suitable donor and our unique immunosuppressive regimen established the standard for eliminating and avoiding early rejection.”

Moving Forward

Dr. Paul Glimcher, director of the Neuroscience Institute and chair of the Department of Neuroscience and Physiology at NYU Langone, said the next step in eye transplants is to preserve nerve cells during surgery.

“A key challenge going forward will be to ensure that all of the eye's cells survive the transplant procedure, which is essential for restoring connections with the brain,” said Dr Glimcher, “which is fundamental for vision, because vision is primarily a function of the brain, not just the eye.”

Aaron James, one year later, Credit: Haley Ricciardi, New York, Langone Health.jpg
Aaron James

Haley Ricciardi – NYU Langone Health

Doctors will work with James to find a way to restore his vision.

“I'm honored to be patient number one,” James said, “Even though I can't see with my new eyes, I've restored my quality of life, and I know this is a step towards helping future patients.”

He's also looking forward to another thing: sending his daughter off to college.

“I've been given the gift of a second chance and I don't take a single moment for granted,” James said.




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