FDA rules require mammograms to include information about dense breasts : Shots
Nearly half of women over 40 years old have had their doctor Dense Breast TissueDense breasts increase the risk of cancer, but until now few people have been told what their diagnosis means or what they should do. But from this week, patients with dense breasts will be able to get more detailed guidance about their risks after their mammogram, thanks to a new system. Requirements adopted by the federal Food and Drug Administration this week.
Breasts are made up of glandular and fibrous connective tissue. The more fibrous connective tissue there is in your breasts compared to fat, the denser your breasts are and the higher your risk of developing cancer.
“Studies have shown that women with dense breasts are four to five times more likely to develop breast cancer than women with dense breasts,” says Molly Guthrie, vice president of policy and advocacy at the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Not only are tumors more likely to develop, but dense tissue also makes tumors harder to detect in black-and-white mammogram images, she said. So people with risk factors in addition to dense breasts should: May You may benefit from an additional ultrasound or MRI scan.
That's why Understanding Breast Density is important.
For the past decade, Guthrie's group has campaigned for breast density to be included in mammography screening and more clearly explained.
More than 35 states and the District of Columbia already require some form of breast density assessment, but Guthrie says those reports often contain confusing information or no information at all. “They just say, 'Your breasts are dense,' and nothing else. So patients don't know what to do or what it means for them, and it just creates confusion and anxiety.”
The FDA's new rules aim to simplify medical terminology so that people with low literacy levels can understand, explain what breast density means and provide clearer guidance on consulting a doctor for more information.
For example, the company will divide breast density into four levels and standardize the risks associated with each level, including sending patients a message saying, “For people with dense tissue, cancer may be detected by additional imaging tests in addition to a mammogram.”
Guthrie says patients should talk to their doctor to see if an MRI or ultrasound, for example, is recommended.
A normal mammogram is Coverage is required at no out-of-pocket expense Guthrie points out that under all health insurance plans, women who need follow-up testing may have to pay out of pocket, which could discourage patients. That's the next policy change she says is needed.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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