Genetics of Alzheimer's and Dementia in African Populations Presented at Nairobi Conference
Genomic regions associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia in African populations will be presented at the “Future of Dementia in Africa” conference, taking place September 11-12, 2024. The study highlights differences compared to Caucasian populations and highlights how a lack of diversity in genomic research may limit the effectiveness of targeted therapies across diverse populations.
The Future of Dementia in Africa Conference It will be held at the JW Marriott Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. Nature A conference hosted by the Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative Research Group and the Aga Khan University Brain and Mind Institute.
Henry Holden of University College London, UK, and colleagues from India and Nigeria will present clinical cases of ALS in Africa and other diverse populations, and preliminary results from genetic analyses of the first 1,000 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and ALS dementia from diverse African, Central and South Asian backgrounds.
ALS is a fatal type of motor neuron disease that can cause cognitive changes and lead to symptoms of dementia. The research team focuses on two common genetic causes of ALS and related diseases: C9orf72 expansion and SOD1. mutationwhich are currently the focus of clinical trials for new treatments for ALS. They used cutting-edge long-read sequencing technology to identify population-specific mutations in these two genes. This work is important for ALS and ALS dementia patients worldwide, and the researchers are actively seeking other project partners.
Preliminary results from an ongoing genome-wide association study (GWAS) of Alzheimer's disease in a Nigerian population will also be published by researchers from UCL and the University of Lagos. The analysis found that the effect of APOE4, the main genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in people of European descent, was negligible in the cohort of around 1,200 people.
This study also identifies unique areas of interest related to disease in this population, highlighting the potential for diversifying GWAS studies to reveal more universal knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases that can benefit all populations.
“We found that The future of dementia in Africa “The conference called for this study because African people are underrepresented in research into dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. We hope to expand our network, conduct further genome-wide association studies in different populations, and identify novel risk factors and advance treatments through collaboration with clinical teams.”
“The genetics of the disease are not uniform across populations, and it is important that genetic research extends beyond European populations in order to develop more effective treatments. To achieve this goal, genetic research must be more comprehensive and accessible to a greater number of researchers.”
Njideka Okubadejo, Professor of Neurology, University of Lagos
“These studies are a great example of why we are driving diverse genetic research in dementia – each insight brings us closer to transforming Alzheimer's prevention and treatment globally. This conference marks a crucial step towards comprehensive and effective solutions for brain health for all,” said George Vradenburg, Founding Chair of the Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative.
Dementia is a growing public health challenge worldwide, with an estimated 150 million people expected to be living with the disease by 2050. Africa is no exception: in sub-Saharan Africa, the number of people living with dementia was estimated at 2.13 million in 2015, and is expected to increase to 3.48 million by 2030 and 7.62 million by 2050.
In tackling dementia, Africa faces unique challenges, including limited resources, varying levels of health infrastructure, and the need for greater awareness and education. This conference marks a pivotal moment for the continent, providing an opportunity to consolidate efforts, share knowledge and develop strategies tailored to Africa's specific needs.
Mia Lissig, a senior clinical research fellow at University College London and a member of the university's scientific committee, said: The future of dementia in Africa Conference participants said: “Global partnerships are essential to increase the productivity of neurodegeneration research in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Africa. We are excited to see such encouraging data from the UCL and Nigerian teams and hope that further successful collaborations will emerge from this conference.”
The future of dementia in Africa The conference will address key issues in the epidemiology of dementia, including risk factors, genetic advances, clinical trials, early detection, and diagnosis.
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